The Global Health Coalition: Declaration on HPV Vaccine Safety
May 2016: AutismOne hosted the first International HPV Vaccine Safety Symposium in Chicago, Illinois. For perhaps the first time in history, people from around the globe came together to discuss their experiences with a single type of vaccine. Multiple presentations made it abundantly clear to all that HPV vaccines embody a broad spectrum of problems common to other vaccines, graphically illustrating everything that could possibly go wrong with a vaccine or vaccination program.
The meetings in Chicago brought vaccine safety advocates, HPV vaccine survivors, medical, scientific, and legal professionals from 3 continents together to learn about the global HPV vaccine controversy. By the end of the symposium several conclusions were reached. The first was HPV vaccines have become a global problem primarily because each individual country has been under the impression that they are the only ones experiencing the fall-out of national HPV immunization programs. Second was the general consensus that the worldwide push for HPV vaccine uptake has created an international crisis of epic proportions with no proper avenue of redress available. Third was that nothing short of a global response would be sufficient to solve the problems. Fourth, was the realization that there was enough expertise readily available to organize and coordinate global action teams to assist any country in their efforts to address the controversy.
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Shortly thereafter The Global Health Coalition was organized in the hope of facilitating international scientific discussions regarding HPV vaccine safety, efficacy and need; encouraging interdisciplinary medical teams to work toward development of successful treatment protocols for those suffering new medical conditions after HPV vaccine administration; encourage scientific studies to determine who is most at risk for adverse reactions to HPV vaccines and why; and supporting efforts to hold those responsible for public health policies accountable for their decisions.
The Global Health Coalition: Supporting SANE Medical Paradigms Worldwide
The Global Health Coalition believes human beings have the inalienable right to utilize any scientifically proven SANE (safe, affordable, necessary and effective) health intervention available. The coalition believes human beings have an absolute right to exercise free and informed consent prior to any medical intervention.
Their goal is the creation and maintenance of a global network dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and defense of every human being’s ability to exercise these fundamental rights.
The ultimate goal of The Global Health Coalition is to establish an international multi-disciplinary network of individuals and groups capable of responding quickly and efficiently whenever a medical paradigm that is not SANE (safe, affordable, necessary and effective) becomes a problem anywhere in the world.
If you are interested in more information about The Global Health Coalition, wish to become a member, volunteer your time, talent/expertise, or offer financial support, please visit their website here. The Global Health Coalition welcomes participation from anyone who is dedicated to ensuring medical interventions are safe, affordable, necessary and effective.
The Chicago Declaration: HPV Vaccine Safety
Coincidentally, during the same week of the AutismOne Conference, the prestigious Nordic Cochrane Centre issued a formal letter of complaint to the EMA (Read the complaint in Spanish here.) questioning the methodology used in the European Medicines Agency’s recent safety evaluation of HPV vaccines.
After having read the EMA’s conclusion on HPV vaccine safety and the Nordic Cochrane Centre’s letter of complaint, the founders of The Global Health Coalition unanimously decided to issue The Chicago Declaration: HPV Vaccine Safety as an internationally endorsed document supporting the efforts of the Nordic Cochrane Centre to hold the European Medicines Agency, and all other health authorities, to the highest possible scientific standards. The document reads as follows:
The Chicago Declaration: HPV Vaccine Safety
On May 27, 2016, representatives from several nations convened in Chicago, Illinois, USA, for the first international symposium on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety. These representatives observed an alarming pattern of harm[1] after HPV vaccine administration in every nation where they have been distributed. We observed glaring evidence of conflicts of interest among government regulators and improper collusion between government regulators and the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry in every nation where HPV vaccines have been used. The global pattern manifests in the suppression of information implicating HPV vaccinations of potential harm, including suppression of efforts by medical researchers to investigate adverse events.
The global denial of harm and subsequent pattern of regulatory failures have obstructed efforts to properly diagnose and treat the injured, exponentially increasing the harm to children and adults.
These situations are exacerbated because vaccines are the only medical products which currently:
- Do not have to prove effectiveness as a condition of market approval.
- Are tested for safety, not against an inert saline placebo, but against other vaccines, or vaccine adjuvants making it impossible to accurately assess safety.
- Vaccine manufacturers in many countries enjoy protection from liability, even for design or manufacturing defects.
Consequently, the international events outlined above require a global response from all who are concerned about HPV vaccine safety.
On May 26, 2016 the Nordic Cochrane Centre issued a Complaint to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) over maladministration at the EMA. The Cochrane Centre complaint confirms observations put forth by a multitude of HPV vaccine safety groups. Those who attended the international HPV vaccine safety symposium and others throughout the world completely agree with and support investigations into the ten critical issues raised in the Cochrane complaint. However, we question the ability of any agency to investigate their own actions objectively and/or propose any meaningful solutions to problems discovered.
Therefore, the Global Health Coalition calls on every nations’ elected officials to protect the public health and safety by establishing the following:
- Independent Committees to investigate the allegations put forth by the Nordic Cochrane Centre in their letter of complaint to the EMA. Any malfeasance discovered should be dealt with immediately and to the fullest extent allowed by law.
- Medical teams composed of individuals with no ties to the pharmaceutical industry to examine all adverse events reported after HPV vaccine administration. These teams should be responsible for determining whether or not HPV vaccines are causally associated with the adverse events and if so, which individuals are most susceptible to adverse reactions and why. They should also be responsible for organizing interdisciplinary teams to establish effective treatment protocols for the injured.
- Task forces completely independent of pharmaceutical influence to examine current national health policies to determine what changes need to be implemented to prevent this type of public health disaster from happening in the future.
The Global Health Coalition, the undersigned organizations and individuals believe the first priority of any government is to protect the health and safety of their citizens. If the health agencies sponsored by their respective governments to handle this task fail to handle their responsibilities, elected officials must step in and remedy the situation.
There is no greater endeavor than protecting children and young adults from unnecessary harm due to any medical intervention.
Signed by,
Robert Krakow, Attorney and Founder of the Global Health Coalition
To date more than 380 signatures have been obtained from representatives of 24 countries. Should you wish to sign in support of this document, please visit The Global Health Coalition website here.
Additional documentation:
- Printable copy of The Chicago Declaration: HPV Vaccine Safety
- Printable copy of The Chicago Declaration: HPV Vaccine Safety (Spanish)
- Supporting signatures
- The Global Health Coalition: HPV Vaccine Position Statement
- The Global Health Coalition: Proposed Action Items
[1] Following HPV vaccine administration, there have been consistent global reports of the following: headaches, diagnoses of autoimmune and/or dysautonomia conditions such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (“POTS”), and including, but not limited to all conditions listed in the current package inserts
Norma Erickson is the President of SaneVax, Inc., where this article first appeared.