Monsanto’s Next Weedkiller Uses RNA and It’s Far Worse Than RoundUp
(UR) The main ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, glyphosate, has already been named the most-used herbicide in history — and the company hopes you will continue to focus on the nefarious ramifications of a two-decades-long spraying spree with this carcinogenic chemical concoction while its patents on ‘RoundUp Ready’ seeds expire.
While you and I are obsessed with glyphosate, Monsanto is turning to other genetically-modified atrocities — like RNA pesticides.
This is the next chemical attack the company will likely wield just as it has before, by using crony capitalism, skewing scientific facts, suing non-compliant organic farmers, and trying to monopolize food crops by buying up land and forcing ubiquitous trade deals that only well-appointed lobbyists in government capitals support.
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Monsanto calls RNA Interference a ‘natural process’ in plants in the same manner they have vowed that glyphosate is ‘safe,’ while industry-discredited scientists have shown that glyphosate exposure, even in infinitesimal amounts, causes cancerous tumor growth. The company explains the process:
“RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural process cells use to turn down, or suppress the activity of specific genes. This is done through the cell’s natural ability to review RNA instructions inside the cell and then “decide” whether to process the instructions or not. As a result, the process can turn down or stop production of a specific protein, much like a dimmer on a light switch. This cellular process was discovered in the 1990’s and additional research in the area led to Drs. Fire and Mello winning a Nobel Prize for their work in 2006. Their award-winning work, and that of countless other scientists, has opened many new areas of research in human, animal and plant health.”
Notice that nowhere in this explanation does Monsanto describe what this technology really does, which is silence genes. Of course this technology is meant to silence genes in bugs that eat crops, but there is no proof RNA pesticides won’t silence the genes of unintended recipients, like wildlife, and human beings.
In fact, University of Canterbury Professor Jack Heinemann released results from genetic research he conducted on Monsanto’s GM wheat, which showed with “no doubt” molecules created in the wheat, that are intended to silence genes to change its carbohydrate content, may match human genes and potentially silence them.
According to Heinemann’s analysis, dsRNA-mediated silencing is becoming the basis of novel traits in GM plants, including bio-pesticides. These RNA pesticides are altering nutritional characteristics, and they can lead to significant changes in the way glucose and carbohydrates are stored in the human body, causing potentially lethal outcomes.
So after Monsanto developed PCBs, DDT, Agent Orange, and Roundup (glyphosate), it now wants to silence our genes with RNA pesticides to help grow its $47 billion empire. Is there no end to Monsanto’s ravenous appetite for destruction?
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