Burning Skin From Bathing: Detroit Activists Record Testimony Of Flint Water Victims
This is video recorded by New Era Detroit, an organization founded to restore power, love, and community to the communities of Detroit and greater Michigan.
The video below is testimony from members of the community in Flint, describing how one man’s child received chemical burns from trying to bathe about a year ago. The man describes watching the city pop fire hydrants and do suspicious things without ever warning the community not to consume or bathe in the water, long before this became known nationwide.
NED has been delivering water to Flint residents by the truckload. According to Era of Wisdom:
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Activist group New Era Detroit took thousands of bottles of water to Flint, Michigan on Sunday, successfully providing residents with clean drinking water in the face of an unprecedented water contamination disaster.
New Era Detroit is known for helping people and building strength in the community, holding meetings and actions, holding events where they flood local independent businesses with their money to support people in the community. They also protect and help those who have found themselves under the coercion of force, whether the state is imposing the force or it is another threat.
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Subscribe to their YouTube here, and you might be inspired to try this type of activism yourself.
– (Illustration by Curt Merlo)Image Source
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