Norway Girl’s Life After a Forced Gardasil Vaccine


By mother Stine-Marie Buer Hasvold. Skien Norway

Caroline was born in 2000 and is now 15 years old. My daughter was very sociable, full of energy and always together with her many friends – running, cycling and playing football. She always had a good appetite.

The only information we were given when the Gardasil vaccine was offered was that it may cause influenza like symptoms which were temporary, just like other vaccines for children.

Even though I had written in the notice book and given information that if she did not want the vaccine, then she MUST NOT be given it – Caroline was held by one nurse whilst another nurse administered the vaccine!

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A few days later, half of Caroline’s face became paralyzed. She was admitted to the local hospital where tests were done but they found NOTHING wrong. I told them I was sure Gardasil was the cause, but they did not listen.

This was the only examination Caroline has had since Gardasil administration. We have not had any follow up because the hospital and doctor say that the problems are mentally caused. They maintain that the symptoms occurred six months after Caroline’s grandmother died; therefore, the sorrow of her death triggered it all!

Needless to say, Caroline only had the first injection of the three that are recommended.

No doctor will listen. They say that Caroline needs mental therapy for her sorrow after my mother’s death. She has had no more tests or treatment because no one believes us.

Now she feels pain in her whole body and just wants to sleep. She feels ill all the time. She hardly manages to do anything, has poor memory, heart palpitations, stabbing pain in her chest, and sometimes has breathing difficulties. She often has headaches and now has a poor appetite. She gets tired just by going to the toilet. She can’t walk or cycle any particular distance – her legs go weak and lose feeling. She is bedridden most of the time.

There has not been any medical help and no support or understanding from Caroline’s new school.

She now goes to school as long as she can but on the days when her legs are too weak I drive her there. She has had eight days and 24 hours absence this spring. She has only attained 2 as her final grade. She was absent from school 15 days in the autumn. Her school work takes a long time, she finds it difficult to concentrate because of pain and she feels very tired both mentally and physically. Her sight in one eye has become weaker.

Caroline has been told by her teachers that she is lazy, which adds to her suffering and is heartbreaking for us as we know how much pain she has and how hard she is struggling. If only the teachers would believe that Caroline is ill and would try to understand.

Some parents say that we should not tell others about the risks from Gardasil because they believe that the vaccine prevents cervical cancer, but we have heard that proof that the vaccine prevents cervical cancer will not be available for many years.

The nurse who administered Gardasil against my daughter’s will came to our home and contacted us several times. She told us they were extremely afraid that we could scare other children about taking the vaccine and that we MUST NOT mention the vaccine in connection with our daughter being ill.

We hardly hear about other girls in Norway who are suffering after Gardasil, but there are reports of thousands in other countries across the world and many of them are ill with the same symptoms as Caroline.

We are very grateful that Caroline’s story is being published so that it will reach out to many others to warn about the possible dangers of the vaccine.

I am beginning to lose hope for Caroline’s future as she is gradually becoming more and more ill. Maybe HPV infections do take some people’s lives; maybe they don’t. All I know is I would rather have watched my daughter enjoy her teenage years instead of spending those years worrying about her future.

Please DON’T let your children be test subjects for a vaccine which has ruined the lives of so many.

This post appeared first at Sane Vax, where you can learn more facts and statistics on the other side of vaccines.

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