Death from Medical Mistakes and Corruption in the Health Industry
In the USA alone it has been estimated that at least 210,000 patients died from medical mistakes in a year making this the third leading cause of death while heart disease is the first and cancer comes second.
Can the above figure be used to expose the corruption in medicine?
The reason why it has taken so long to realise that something is not right and why so many still don’t see that anything is going on can be explained like this:
On the whole, people: healthcare workers or patients or the public at large, can regard many circumstances in medicine as isolated cause and effect relationships. In other words, people generally fail to make the connections between the different cause and effect relationships.
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It is necessary to make the connections so that we can step back and see the ‘big picture’ of what’s really going on and why certain things occur: If not, then indeed, this can be likened to the analogy of looking at separated pieces of jigsaw puzzle and not having the realisation that they are somehow all connected and therefore not carrying out the task of joining up the pieces to see how it works overall.
Such has happened in the circumstances surrounding deaths from medical mistakes. This is why the corruption still continues and how the villains are allowed to get away with it. The big picture and the corruption comprise the connections between: The World Health Organisation, approval bodies such as the FDA, pharmaceutical companies, equipment manufacturers, academia, research institutions, media, the legal profession, healthcare staff and patients. All these can be tied in with ‘favours for favours…’
Nothing stays the same. If everyone was concerned enough to get a deep enough level of realisation of what’s really going on in medicine by connecting up the circumstances or pieces of information to find that they are interrelated (the big picture), then consequently, there would be a mass transformation of the healthcare system. This would eventually be brought about by the reactions that would follow from realising the corruption.
This mass transformation is my vision: To see a major turnaround of the healthcare system, where treatment will be based on a genuine want to cure people. Where people are put before profits, instead of the reverse; the way it is at the moment.
It is also the visions of other activists and dissident Doctors, growing in numbers by the day. I would say that one of the biggest reasons why more and more people are realising that they are caught up in a scandal in medicine is through the availability of the internet and its access to information that would otherwise be very difficult to get. I also find that, in some of my discussions with people, I can see that their intuition has been already telling them that something is not right in the world of medicine…
I predict that, in time, whether it will take a few years or many decades I don’t really know, but we will have a revolution on our hands. The healthcare system will change. I have no doubt that it will be a radical change.
Western world medicine should be truly outstanding considering the money spent, but it is not, as exemplified in the above must see video featuring an impassioned talk by Doctor Joe Smith with jaw-dropping facts and figures:
Are deaths from medical mistakes THE biggest cause of death and suffering?
Every time deaths from medical mistakes (or deaths from medicine) are re-estimated, taking other factors into consideration the figure increases. Will we ever get a true figure?
Over the last few decades, the more technology that has been introduced into orthodox medicine be it, drugs, state-of-the-art equipment, apparatus, technical expertise…the more unnecessary procedures there are. I’m not for one minute saying that all technology is bad, but a lot of it can do a great deal of harm.
Also see:
- Big-Pharma Seeks Monopoly Over Life-Changing Therapy
- Science As The New Religion
- Bill Gates’ Temporary Sterilization Microchip In Beta Female Testing By End Of Year
Paul A. Philips writes thoughtful pieces like this over at his site, New Paradigm. He writes on Natural Health and other thought-provoking topics.Â