The Return of Whooping Cough in High Vaccination Areas
Pertussis (whooping cough) has re-emerged in countries with high vaccination coverage and low mortality. Although it is listed as one of the top causes of vaccine preventable deaths, reports of a global resurgence originated in countries with low mortality and high vaccination coverage. Priorities are to decrease infant mortality by improving coverage and timeliness of vaccination and implementing pertussis surveillance, but vaccinations don’t seem to be working and this is of great concern.
More recently some countries with sustained high vaccine coverage have experienced increases in pertussis, especially in older children and adults, the reasons for which are complex. The issue may stem from under diagnosis or missed diagnosis and under-reporting, which hinder surveillance, as well as gaps in our knowledge of levels of herd immunity generated by the vaccination programs.
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Whooping cough is a relatively new infectious disease afflicting human beings, compared with other infectious diseases, and is undergoing a resurgence despite decades of vaccination.
One study found that the body’s response to a pertussis infection was correlated with vaccination status. There was a primary response in unvaccinated children.
Another study in the Center For Infectious Disease Dynamics showed that pertussis vaccination actually enhances the colonization Bordetella parapertussis, the bacteria that causes pertussis, and that the vaccination itself may have contributed to the observed increase in whooping cough over the last decade.
How common is whooping cough in a non-vaccinating country?
In Sweden, general vaccination with a whole cell pertussis vaccine was recommended from 1953. In 1979 the recommendation was withdrawn because the Swedish-made vaccine had become ineffective. In order to determine the incidence of the disease in a non-vaccinating country, 400 children born in 1980 were randomly selected from the population register of Goteborg, Sweden. The parents of the children were interviewed in 1990, when the children were 10 years old. The parents of 377 children could be reached, and of those 372 were not vaccinated against pertussis.
Of the nonvaccinated children 61% had experienced clinically typical whooping cough; 195 (119 with and 76 without a history of whooping cough) agreed to donate a serum sample for determination of antibodies against pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and pertactin. Of the children with a history of whooping cough, 91% had antibodies against pertussis toxin, as had 64% of the children without a history of disease. All but 3 children had antibodies against filamentous hemagglutinin and all 195 children had antibodies against pertactin. The antibody titers against the 2 last mentioned proteins did not differ between children with and without a history of whooping cough or between children with and without antibodies against pertussis toxin.
In light of the solid Swedish study why is the rest of the world still heavily vaccinating its citizens for whooping cough / pertussis when it has proven unsuccessful and appears to be increasing in the vaccinated groups? Could this enzyme deficiency in vaccinated subjects be linked to a lack of naturally occurring anti-bodies? From the time we are born our body’s immune system begins to create anti-bodies and depending on the region of birth they create anti-bodies specifically to the threats of their own community.
In the western world we heavily vaccine children beginning at childbirth, is
this resurgence of pertussis the result of not having their own antibodies due to a life time of vaccinations, this avenue of thought must be considered regardless of the outcome or the profits lost in the world wide vaccination programs?
Why Doctors Don’t Vaccinate Their Own Kids (Ad)
It used to be that infants were not vaccinated as early as today they allowed 6 months for the child’s own immune defense to develop now they are vaccinated before leaving the hospitals. How can the individuals immune system develop if they are being shut down or altered with vaccinations, how can they hope to adapt to new virus protection when bacteria begin mutating? Do you think what is done in a laboratory is more efficient than what is done within the body pertaining to the individual needs and region to where they live? Will we look back at this generation and see the errors of our ways when antibiotics fail or will we line up for vaccinations each time a new strain of bacteria is discovered since we no longer have our own immune defense? This is an age of discovery but the question that remains unanswered is what the discovery will be?
Products to help build our immunity are: Laktokhan, Colloidal Silver, Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme, Zinc Picolinate, Thymus Gland and L-Lysine.
Eldon Dahl, Doctorate in natural medicine.
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