How to Make Dill Pickles Fresh From the Garden and Market
John from Growing Your Greens shares with you how he makes no-cook dill pickles fresh from the garden with just a handful of ingredients that are done less than a week!
In this episode, John shows you his recommended way of fermenting your garden-fresh summer vegetables including cucumbers, peppers, okra, onions and more. You will learn with just a few ingredients you can preserve your summer harvest [or market fresh veggies] through the winter for later consumption without cooking.
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John will teach you how you can make raw lacto fermented vegetables that have beneficial bacteria that are good for your digestion and immune system.
You will learn how John prevents mold and other contaminants from getting into his pickles by making an air-lock lid using items available online and at a local beer making shop.
Important note from Natural Blaze: There is some online back and forth about issues of mold in mason jars. John’s mechanism ensures no oxygen gets in but if it’s too involved you might like a starter kit. Cultures for Health is a reputable company and offers the whole setup that John demonstrates below. Pickl-It offers a kit that works with ‘fido’ jars – the kind with metal clamps (not included). And, The Probiotic Jar(tm) offers a full kit and kaboodle setup although it only works with one type of fido jar. Cultures for Health tops our Christmas wish-list.
John’s demonstration perfectly shows the mechanism for making fermented veggies in a jar.
After watching this episode, you will now know how you can make raw pickles that have more nutrition than canning, and are full of life!
Find more from John at
This post appeared at Natural Blaze – Like at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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