Another first in the nation: Gov’t vaccine mandate to private industry (California legislators pass SB792)

California legislators pass  SB792.

This bill, commencing September 1, 2016, would prohibit a person from being employed or volunteering at a daycare center or a family daycare home if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles.

Thursday, Sept. 12, 2015 the California legislator passed another first in the nation bill, SB 792. It is a very dangerous precedent. It is the first in the nation that a government mandates vaccination to private industry. With this we may see a future of the government mandating vaccine compliance to one industry at at time, as a means to achieve National Institute of Health goals of Compulsory Adult Vaccination.

This follows on the heels of SB277 which has been signed into law. SB277 prohibits a child to attend private, public or preschool without being fully vaccinated (at this time….49 vaccine doses by the age of six).

Unvaccinated children must homeschool. Homeschool cannot be a classroom setting. It is notable that Bill Gates, the number one promoter of worldwide vaccination also is in the homeschool business (virtual education). He has bought up many homeschool programs and has changed programs to integrate Federally developed education for the masses…Common Core Curriculum.

This alert appeared first at Vaccine Liberation Army

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