Tips for Kicking Your Smoking Habit
With summer rolling around and an abundance of fun outdoor-activities on your doorstep, there is no better time to get serious about improving your health and kicking your smoking habit for good. Quitting smoking will not only drastically reduce your chances of heart disease and cancer, but it is also proven to reduce stress, improve fertility, increase your sense of smell and taste, and keep you looking and feeling younger. So here are some of the best tips for making this the summer the one where you leave smoking behind.
1. Make a plan and stick to it
The best way to quit smoking is by being strict and sticking to a plan. Don’t allow yourself to put-off quitting because of an upcoming major event like a wedding or a birthday party. You might have caved to your cravings at these types of parties in the past, but tell yourself that this time it is going to be different, and stick to it.
2. Adjust your drinking habits
Many smokers talk about craving cigarettes when they’re drinking alcohol, and there are studies and research that prove alcoholic drinks, along with cola, tea and coffee all make cigarettes taste better. Try your best to avoid these drinks when possible, and substitute them with water and juices.
3. Know how to combat cravings
Improvising is never a strong strategy, so before you enter scenarios where a craving is likely to occur, be sure to have a plan to combat it. You can leave the party and go for a walk, head to the washroom and toss some cool water on your hands and face, or make for a friend to start-up a conversation. Physical activity is also a great option to reduce the amount of cravings you have, as exercise is shown to produce chemicals in the brain that eliminate nicotine cravings.
4. The electronic cigarette
If quitting cold turkey has proven too difficult in the past, than perhaps you will be better served by utilizing one of the many products designed to reduce your nicotine dependency. One of the most popular Nicotine Replacement Therapies is the electronic cigarette, as it mimics the satisfying gesture of smoking, and allows you to monitor and reduce your nicotine in-take. E-cigarettes are also far less expensive than traditional cigarettes, and are better for the environment.
There are many paths to quitting smoking, but quitting is the one way to insure a healthier and more satisfying life. So make your plan to quit today, and you’ll soon be glad you did.
Images by Centophobia and Qfamily used under the Creative Commons license