CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain
Women who receive the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with the higher-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Oh! but not to worry, you just have to get – (you guessed it) more shots and you’ll survive! (or so they hope)
We go on a trip to Southern California this weekend to speak in front of a bunch of Health Nuts (over 3,000 of them!) only to find out the Gardasil conference was held at the same time at the same hotel (for Merck) I will not comment on the attitude or health of the Gardasil folks who attended the Gardasil Merck conference, but it wasn’t pretty.
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Now I get home from my second cross country flight in 3 days only to see what I missed in national news. That’s right, did you (or your daughter, niece etc) get vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine? Well now they might be more likely to get those high risk strains (you know the dangerous ones that can kill) but all they have to do is come in and get another shot to fix it all up (sarcasm) The stupidity here amazes me. No surprise Live Science doesn’t even mention that they can be more likely to get a high risk strain (which could lead to death) but instead Live Science puts in their headline that they need another shot. The arrogance of that headline kills me. Talk about an irresponsible headline. Then again Merck’s middle name might be irresponsible as one of the current heads of Merck used to be to be head of the CDC! Talk about corruption! . Merck and the CDC are so dirty you don’t have to dig far to find the skeletons.
Back to the CBS article though with a quote
Women who receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with certain high-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study.
The findings suggest that, although the vaccine is effective in protecting against four strains of HPV, women who received it may still benefit from getting another, recently approved HPV vaccine that protects against nine strains of the virus, the researchers said.

Gee, that’s just what I want to hear after I get my child vaccinated with numerous Gardasil vaccines (which even CBS reported a Gardasil researcher warned can be hazardous for your health– turns out she was right!) and now get MORE shots? They have gotten themselves in quite the clusterf*ck here. But as I see the “skeptics” (no we’re actually the real skeptics who are skeptical of this obvious dangerous vaccine…) as I see them posting in a rage about Chipolte Grill going GMO Free (great job Chipolte!) These “skeptics” who push Monsanto and Gardasil on us and laugh at us for questioning GMOs are suddenly silent with no mention of this latest scandal with Gardasil. I’m sure they’ll continue to give their kids the Gardasil vaccine. Wait, will the current vaccine be updated since it can put girls at risk? I don’t even want to know. I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to ever have this stuff injected in themselves.
I have a friends whose daughter was about to get married. She was in mid 20s and her doctor pushed the Gardasil shot harder than a crack dealer on them. The daughter was already living with her fiance’ and did get married to him (they explained they are monogamous) so why would she need the vaccine? The doctors are no better than the “Pusherman” described in Curtis’ Mayfield’s song from the Superfly soundtrack (which coincidentally came out the same year I was hospitalized and nearly died from vaccines as an infant.
You might think that’s a stretch there but doctors have been more “sick care” providers for some time just giving their “patients” the drug ads they see and crave on TV… the US is the only country (besides New Zealand) that even allows these pharmaceutical ads on the tely. I love how they say all the side effects at the end very quickly. As if they read them quickly enough they might not happen to you. Perhaps they should be forced to read them in slo mo or show a few folks in hospitals (or their gravestones) of those who did suffer those side effects- especially the Gardasil girls… What tragedy. If it weren’t so awful it would almost read like a comedy. I hope this isn’t swept under the rug as it’s our future generations we’re talking about. Just do a search to see the headlines news articles of the countless girls who have died or were injured from Gardasil. Then you can decide what you want to do. For me the decision is easy.
Explore our other articles on Gardasil
Also see: Blood Donations are Potential Biohazard from Those Vaccinated with Gardasil