Sweeten Up Your Pantry: The Best Types of Sugar for Your Stockpile

by Daisy Luther

Having a healthy pantry doesn’t mean that you have to skip all things sweet and tasty.  A spoonful of sugar doesn’t just help the medicine go down. It can add a sense of normalcy and a little touch of luxury in a bad situation. Can you imagine celebrating a special occasion without dessert?  Sugar can be used to activate the yeast in breadmaking, and in home preservation and jam-making.

It’s important to be particular about the source of your sugar, however.  The white sugar that you get at most grocery stores is highly processed and any mineral content is lost in order to make the fine uniform crystals that we are all so familiar with.  But it isn’t only nutritionally deficient. Table sugar comes from either sugar cane or sugar beets.  An alarming 95% of the  sugar beets grown in North America have been genetically modified to allow them to withstand the application of Monsanto’s pride and joy, Round-up pesticide.  Sugar beets are beginning to keep pace with sugar cane as the source of sugar sold in North America.  This means that you have a high chance of consuming GMOs whenever you eat something containing sugar unless that sugar has been carefully selected.

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If you do buy white sugar, do your research and make sure it is made from 100% sugar cane. Although GMO sugar cane exists, it is not widely used.

Look for organic sugar when building your sugar stockpile.  It’s definitely more expensive but if you are going to include it in your diet, you want to be sure you aren’t consuming a Frankenfood.

Next, look at the type of processing that your sugar has undergone.  You want to select a sugar that  has been refined as little as possible.  Some options (generally sourced from sugarcane) are:


This stands for SUgar CAne NATural.  This is one of the least processed options available.  The sugarcane juice is mechanically extracted and then heated and cooled to cause little brown crystals to form. (The brown color comes from the molasses content.) You can use sucanat in any way that you would use traditional brown sugar.

 Turbinado Sugar

This is sucanat taken a step further.  The crystals are washed in a centrifuge (or turbine) to remove the surface molasses.  This reduces the mineral content but makes turbinado sugar appropriate for things like lemonade, for example, where a higher molasses content would not be very appealing.  Turbinado is often called “raw sugar”.

This dark brown sugar is wickedly rich.

Muscovado is a very dark unrefined sugar.  This has the highest molasses content of the natural sugars.  It has an incredibly rich flavor and a texture like moist beach sand.  It’s heavenly in coffee and baked goods and has an intense depth that is very complimentary to dishes with a savory-sweet flavor.

How much sugar do you need?

The three types of less processed sugars serve different culinary purposes, so all could have a place in the prepper’s pantry.  An estimate for your sugar stockpile is 50 pounds per year, per person.  Of course, this fluctuates based on your family’s diet so adjust accordingly.

Don’t forget other natural sweeteners.  Not only do honey, maple syrup and molasses have distinct delicious flavors, they also contain vital minerals and have some natural medicinal values too.

  • Blackstrap Molasses:  Contains non-heme iron – can be used as a supplement for a person who is anemic.  Always choose organic molasses – the heat processing it undergoes tends to concentrate the pesticides that were applied to the cane.
  • Raw Honey:  The list of medicinal uses for honey is nearly endless. It is a natural antibacterial, and because of this can be used topically for treating wounds or rashes.  Honey is a great (and yummy) remedy for coughs and sore throats.  To learn more about the benefits of raw honey, click here.
  • Maple Syrup: This distinctively flavored sweetener is a great source of manganese and zinc, both of which help to boost the immune system.

An estimate for your sugar stockpile is 50 pounds per year, per person.  Of course, this fluctuates based on your family’s diet so adjust accordingly.

That sounds like a lot, but remember, each time you bake yeast bread, you’ll add a bit of sugar to proof the yeast. If you are a coffee or tea drinker, you’ll add a few spoonfuls daily to your beverage.  On special occasions that require a treat, you may use 1-3 cups of sugar at a time.  It takes 9 pounds of sugar to make 5 gallons of wine.  Hmmm….50 pounds per person might not be enough after all!

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Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, where this first appeared, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions. You can follow Daisy on Facebook and Twitter, and you can email her at daisy@theorganicprepper.ca

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