Natural Way To Clear Your Lungs Of Tar and Tobacco Byproducts
There are several things that can help clear and expand your airways! However, these will not fully clear your lungs of all the crap you’ve ingested from cigarettes, but they will help rid your lungs of a majority of toxins, greatly reducing your risk for disease!
Corn contains beta-cryptoxanthin, which is a strong antioxidant that will help protect the lungs. Keep in mind, most packaged corn you find will be genetically modified, so try to find organic!
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Selenium is also a powerful antioxidant which can be found in various types of fish, such as:
- Tuna
- Cod
- Salmon
It can also be found in things like lamb, eggs, and cereal. We would recomend avoiding meat however!
Garlic has several anticancer properties! A study completed the Washington University found that garlic is 100x stronger than the best pharmaceutical antibiotics on the market!
Ginger is an extremely useful tool for clearing your body of toxins! You can drink it as a tea, or use it to add flavor to any of your meals! Check out this guide to using ginger as a detox!
Oranges are an amazing source of vitamins. Plus they contain cryptoxanthin, which been found to be quite effective against lung cancer.
This herb is loaded with iron and is a useful disinfectant and great at fighting infection.
Pine needle tea
This tea has been traditionally used to disinfect the mouth and throat, but can also be a helpful aid in lung health!
H/T Healthy Food Team and Higher Perspective