5 Natural Treatments For Mental Health
Natural treatments for mental health are becoming more and more popular. If you’ve ever seen the drawn-out health warnings at the end of a US television commercial for any type of drug, you’ll easily understand why.
A concerted effort to avoid strong medication and their awful side effects is always an effort worth making. Especially if the strong medication comes with the possibility of improving your symptoms but creating an addiction to a synthetic drug.
Good mental health means you have the ability to continually learn new information and master new skills. A healthy mind gives you the opportunity to form great relationships with others and maintain those relationships over time.
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When your mind is healthy you can express your feelings adequately and also deal with both positive and negative emotions in your day-to-day life. And, finally, good mental health allows you to cope and adapt when situations change.
You should be aware that change doesn’t have to be negative to have an impact on you. Positive change brings with its own range of emotions and difficulties to deal with.
If you’re looking for better ways to ensure your mental health we recommend you check out these 5 natural treatments.
1. Cannabis.
Cannabis is a most interesting plant with remarkable healing properties. There is plenty of debate over the use of cannabis as a natural treatment for mental health and anxiety, depression, insomnia and migraines have all been shown to respond to medical marijuana use. As it is not physically addicting it can be a fabulous alternative to drugs such as Xanax, which are heavily addictive and can cause some nasty side effects.
2. Ayahuasca.
Taken as a tea, Ayahuasca has been used for many centuries in Peru administered by suitably qualified shaman in religious ceremonies. The effects of Ayahuasca are strong and many advise taking the tea only in the presence of a well-trained shaman. Positive life changes have been reported and have been described as a spiritual awakening, and a way to gain deep insight into how to be your best self. A detoxification of trauma from the body is often experienced by users; and this represents a release of negative emotions and energy. It is best to make sure any medication you are taking is not contraindicated when drinking Ayahuasca tea.
3. Iboga.
Iboga, or Ibogaine, is a natural treatment using the root bark of the Iboga tree. Administered by master shaman in specific parts of Africa, it typically induces a trance-like psychoactive state, which lasts for up to 36 hours. Users report that while in the psychoactive state they are able to openly communicate with their past self and resolve many issues that are causing them problems. Iboga is known to have uses in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and opiate addiction. However, at this time it remains under the US Federal Controlled Substances Act, a Schedule 1 drug.
4. Psilocybin.
The active ingredient in magic mushrooms is Psilocybin and has been shown to be effective in helping drug addicts and smokers break the habit. Researchers point out that this is not a reaction of the body to the Psilocybin. Rather, the substance can help to induce a deep reflection on a smoker’s lifestyle, which can lead to a decision to change for the better. Although smoking obviously isn’t a mental health issue, it’s quite fascinating that Psilocybin could motivate a longtime user to change their life for the better – definitely something that could improve their mental health.
5. Meditation.
Perhaps the most readily available natural treatment for mental health is meditation. Learning to meditate doesn’t require you to attend a class or purchase any aids, although those things are readily available. A quick online search and a little time spent researching will give you the basics and you can choose further study when you decide meditation is helping you. Almost all experts will agree that time spent relaxing and reflecting are huge benefits to great mental health.
As you can see, these natural treatments (4 of which are plant based) aren’t automatically approved for use in all parts of the US. Doing your own research before using any of these treatments is always recommended. You may have to travel a little way to be able to access some of the benefits.
It maybe worth it though since when you feel mentally strong you are able to function in social situations and deal with any difficulties that come your way. Using natural treatments to ensure good mental health is a sure-fire way to keep on top of situations in your life that you may find challenging otherwise.
Learn more natural remedies here.