France Debates Vaccine Safety
by Norma Erickson
On May 22, two conferences were held at the National Assembly on the subject of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and the safety of HPV vaccines. (View the announcement here.)
Organized by E3M and hosted by Virginia Belle, the morning conference was entitled, “Aluminum and Vaccines: International Expertise Demands Action.” (View schedule here.) Scientists and medical professionals from various countries around the world were invited to present their research in an open forum to members of the French Parliament and French National Health Authorities with journalists and television cameras present.
Professors Romain Gherardi and Jerome Authier informed the audience of the preliminary results of their research which was funded by MSNA (the French Medicines Agency) which indicated a causal link between aluminum adjuvants and adverse events experienced after vaccination stating:
We injected normal mice, without any particular background, with either PBS as a control serum, or the hepatitis B vaccine, Engerix. We did cognitive and motor testing at various intervals. We have the results of the first two times. At 45 days, there is no difference between the control group and the vaccinated group. By contrast, at 135 days (4 ½ months), three tests are significantly altered in the vaccinated mice only. What are these tests? Tests of anxiety, decreased activity, decreased stamina (including motor endurance), that is to say a series of symptoms resembling that exactly described by patients of chronic macrophagic myofasciitis.
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Dr. Sin Hang Lee, described his Gardasil research to date, stating:
I have tested 16 samples of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, each of different lot number, from 9 countries, and found that they all contained fragments of residual HPV DNA, namely viral DNA which was used to manufacture the HPV vaccine antigens by a genetic engineering technology.
Furthermore, the viral DNA fragments in a non-B conformation were firmly bound to the aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine by ligand exchange, an inadvertently created chemical compound containing viral DNA which can be transfected into the host cells, namely the human phagocytes and macrophages.
Based on established research, this viral DNA can activate the innate immune system of the macrophages to generate and release cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor in the vaccine recipients.
In certain genetically predisposed individuals, the level of tumor necrosis factor may be high enough to cause hypotension, fainting, tachycardia, unexpected sudden death and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, namely adverse reactions which have been documented following Gardasil vaccination.

We found residual viral DNA fragments, which should not be there. This is true residual contamination, probably related to the manufacturing process. Between 200 and 400 fragments of residual DNA in Gardasil. This is not normal.
What is the meaning? I do not know. Dr. Lee showed us in his work that this fragment was associated with aluminum hydroxyphosphate. This is not any normal way.
- Massively support rapid research so that the consequences of the accumulation of aluminum in the brain are established quickly and comprehensively
- Make vaccines available without aluminum adjuvants
- Not promote any campaign of mass vaccination with vaccines containing aluminum, as research has not provided satisfactory answers to safety questions
- Recognize the group Action on Health
For the first time in France, open public debates have been held with arguments being heard from both vaccine promoters and vaccine safety advocates. These historic events need to be duplicated in every country around the globe.
Dr. Izard, himself a victim of macrophagic myofaciitis, stated it quite succinctly during his presentation when he said:
Pending the results of this work, the precautionary principle should apply. The population must have access to vaccines without aluminum adjuvants. The widespread vaccination against HPV should be put under immediate moratorium.
The debates in France were about more than HPV vaccines, but one has to remember HPV vaccines are a prime example of what can go wrong with a hastily instituted vaccination program.
As a society, we are injecting a healthy population of young people hoping that eliminating one of the risk factors for the development of cancer will make an impact on the disease prevalence – albeit decades down the road. Contamination with a new chemical compound that has completely unknown health consequences has been discovered and documented by two separate independent laboratories. Said contamination has been swept under the FDA/CDC carpet. Victims of adverse events are told it is all in their mind, coincidence, etc…