First Canadian Fired For Refusing Vaccine
by Brandon Turbeville
While Ukraine, the NBA, and Cliven Bundy dominated the headlines in North America, the Canadian press reported on a major milestone that was quietly reached – the first firing of a Canadian healthcare worker for refusing a vaccine, and the public shaming effort that comes with the “option” of wearing a face mask which took place in December.
Although the few reports surrounding the firing were published only days ago, the Boundary Hospital employee from British Columbia, Canada, Arnold Hoekstra, was fired in December of 2013. His case was only announced by the Health Ministry on Wednesday in order to “wrap up the flu season.”
Hoekstra, who is 49, held a permanent part-time position at the hospital as an adult day program worker. However, when he was instructed to submit to a flu vaccination, he refused to be injected with the toxic cocktail of chemicals and viruses that have been demonstrated to cause a number of adverse health effects in both children and adults. Short of agreeing to be injected with a vaccine that has been shown to be ineffective at preventing the flu (at best), Hoekstra’s only other option was to wear a face mask at all times while at work.