New Site Dedicated to Fukushima Radiation Protection

Former Top U.S. Nuclear Official: Fukushima is “ultimately unprecedented” – Its “legacy of contamination is very different from any other radiological disaster” in history.

by Neenah Payne 

The Fukushima Radiation Protection site at: is designed to provide an understanding of the risks posed to Americans by the ongoing radiation crisis that began on March 11, 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.

The site also discusses the many steps we can take now to help protect our health. No other site, to my knowledge, provides this dual approach or the comprehensive information on what to avoid and what to do. In the belief that knowledge is power, the site is designed to empower people to take important steps. As we face one of the greatest challenges to our health, the government and corporate media have been largely silent. So, we must inform and empower ourselves and each other.

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The risk is particularly acute for Americans on the West Coast (especially fetuses and young kids), but the radiation threatens everyone in the Northern Hemisphere. Nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott points out that after the Fukushima accident, the ambient levels of radiation in Seattle went up 40,000 times above normal! Children are 20 times more radio-sensitive than adults and little girls are twice as sensitive as little boys. Fetuses are thousands of times more sensitive.Dr. Simon Atkins PhD, DSc, an atmospheric scientist, a doctor of planetary risk, climate economist, and an alternative health specialist says that in 5 years, New York City will be as radiative as Fukushima is now. He believes that the crisis will force vast numbers of people to relocate to the Southern Hemisphere. Dr. Atkins recommends moving at least 15 degrees south of the equator – an area that gets 3% of the radiation. He left his home in Montana for Uruguay which is 30 degrees south of the equator and receives less than .1% of the radiation.  

The Good News

The good news is that several recommendations that are key to protection against the Fukushima radiation are also essential to health under normal circumstances. These include Nascent Iodine, Transdermal Magnesium, a good water distiller, and an effective shower filter.

Nascent Iodine: Nascent Iodine helps protect the thyroid from the radioactive iodine coming from Fukushima. People who get thyroid cancer must have their thyroids removed and take thyroid medication for the rest of their lives. The Turner Network points out: “For women, Thyroid cancer is about 95% curable; for men, it is about 95% fatal. To prevent your Thyroid from absorbing radioactive Iodine, your body needs a very good supply of non-radioactive iodine. If your body has the Iodine it needs, it won’t try to store more.”

Nascent Iodine is essential to health in many other ways. Dr. David Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It and The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life says that 95% of Americans are iodine deficient. quotes Dr. Brownstein: “I have yet to see any item that is more important to promoting health or optimizing the function of the immune system than iodine.” In his book, Iodine—Bringing Back the Universal Medicine, Dr. Mark Sircus cites a study by Dr. Gabriel Cousens that shows 23 vital functions of iodine in the body.

Transdermal Magnesium: The June 2011 article Magnesium Offers Strong Radiation Protection by Mark Sircus, AC, OMD warns:

Deficiencies in magnesium will wreak havoc with our body’s ability to detoxify and chelate heavy radioactive particles and explains much of the difference between one person withstanding radiation exposures and another person falling to radiation sickness…..magnesium oil remains the number one item in my cancer protocol and thus number one for radiation exposure. Magnesium is our first line of defense against both.

Dr. Sircus is the author of the 2011 book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy: A New Modality for the Maintenance of Health.

The book description point outs:

Magnesium is nothing short of a miracle; it has the potential to save you from considerable suffering and pain. The information presented here could even save your life. Magnesium is the lamp of life and one of the most important keys to overall health. When applied in the correct way, magnesium offers us a return to strength and vigor. When used in the emergency room, magnesium can save the day for both heart and stroke patients…. 

When we are deficient in magnesium, over three hundred enzymes in our body are unable to function properly. Magnesium deficiency has been scientifically identified as a critical factor in the onset of a wide variety of diseases. For various reasons and to varying degree, two-thirds or more of the population is magnesium deficient.

Waterwise Distiller: The article “Breaking News: Fukushima Radiation Affecting Americans” warns: “The rainfall and snowfall are all radiated. Do not drink any water that has not been filtered. The tap water that flows from your faucet has NOT been treated to rid it of radioactive particles.”

Fortunately, the Waterwise Distiller removes radioactive particles as well as chlorine and fluoride which are two of the halogens that interfere with iodine receptor sites (keeping iodine from protecting the thyroid from cancer) and cause many diseases.

Waterwise is recommended by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a holistic physician, author of internationally-acclaimed books, and founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. Dr. David Williams says about Waterwise: “This is the best-engineered, most user-friendly, and efficient distiller I’ve found for such a reasonable price….and I’ve spent years researching different types of water treatment devices….I’m convinced that distillation is the only way to go.”

Showerwise Shower Filter: Chlorine is a halogen like iodine and blocks the receptor sites for iodine. So, it is important to limit exposure to chlorine in drinking, bathing, and swimming water. Taking a shower exposes you to more toxic chlorine than drinking 8 glasses of the same water.

Dr. Riddle, Ph.D. KEMYSTS LABORATORY reports: “Scientific studies have linked chlorine…to cancer of the bladder, liver, stomach, rectum, and colon, as well as heart disease, atherosclerosis, anemia, high blood pressure, and allergic reactions….chlorine can destroy protein in our body and cause adverse effects on skin and hair. Since chlorine is required by public health regulations to be present in all public drinking water supplies, it is up to the individual to remove it in the home.”

The article “Shower Water Toxicity” by clinical nutritionist Monte Kline shows the importance of using a shower filter when showering or bathing. He recommends Showerwise which reduces chlorine by 95%.

Things to Avoid

The Fukushima Radiation Protection site shows the importance of avoiding:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Rain and snow Pacific seafood
  • West Coast produce
  • Some West Coast beaches

Steps to Consider

The basis for each recommendation is shown on the site and the Fukushima Radiation Protection site is not affiliated with any product recommended.

The site includes the following additional recommendations:

  • Hemp, Almond, Rice, Coconut Milk
  • Websites For Up-to-date News
  • Potassium Iodide Tablets
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom Tablets
  • Radiation Mask/Body Suit
  • How to Protect Your Home
  • Consider Possibility of Relocation
  • Awareness of US nuclear power plants
  • Books on Iodine, Magnesium, Relocation, Nuclear Issues

While the steps recommended on the site can greatly enhance your health in addition to helping to protect you from the effects of the continuing Fukushima radiation, it is always advisable to check with your healthcare provider before following any recommendations.

Note: The Home section of the Fukushima Radiation Protection website links to a Quick Reference for people who are already aware of the dangers of the Fukushima radiation crisis and simply want to review steps on how to protect themselves.

The site is frequently updated as more information becomes available.

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