Grandfather of Amish Girl Refusing Chemo Speaks Out
Have you been following the story of 10-year-old Sarah Hershberger? She is the fully recovered Amish girl who is willing to (physically) fight if forced back back onto experimental chemotherapy. The threat of court-ordered chemotherapy still looms over the family as sheriffs have visited the property and court dates have not been called off. Children’s Services is out to the property at least once per week according to the grandfather.
The family is still outside of the U.S. even as a court summons begins on November 6th. This would be their fifth court date.
So far, the media has not attempted to get accurate information from the Hershberger family, but have only gone from the word of Akron Children’s Hospital PR. Corporate media has helped smear the family by implying that they are overly religious and ignorant, endangering Sarah and intervention is warranted “at a certain point.” How many of them know that Sarah has completely recovered using natural protocols? They said that the Hershbergers wouldn’t do an interview because Amish shun video cameras and photographs. True – but this is 2013. Chris Warks from simply provided a phone for them and recorded their conversation. For the first time, grandfather Isaac Keim has been interviewed to give the incredible full story….
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Just one incredible instance Isaac recounts is how a nurse came out to the Hershberger place to give Sarah her booster shots (part of chemotherapy) and warned the parents not to let the other kids get a hold of them because “they can cause cancer.” They wondered why the hospital was giving their ill daughter shots that cause cancer.
When they had an appointment at the hospital and requested to talk to the doctor, it took an hour but the hospital arranged a preemptive conference complete with lawyers, the doctor, PR staff and the later appointed guardian nurse attorney, Maria Schimer, (who specializes in “pulling the plug” on people who can’t make medical decisions and have no family). You must hear the doctor’s reactions when Isaac confronted him about the nurse’s “slip-up” with the cancer warning. It’s a rousing discussion.
When investigative reporter David Michael, who first broke the Hershberger’s side of the story, went to visit on Oct 31 outside of Homerville in Ohio, two sheriff’s deputy cars and Medina County Children’s Services had just left the Hershberger property. Family members said they were looking for Sarah and her parents.
This ordeal has hit Andy Hershberger severely as he tries to save his daughter, take care of his family, keep the farm going, deal with court demands … and Akron Children’s Hospital has billed the family $130,000 for just five treatments. The court order demands a full 110 weeks of treatment. Yet, she is fully recovered with natural protocols after initial chemo treatments reduced the cancer growth. As interviewer Chris points out, chemo can reduce cancer growth in some types of cancer in the short-term. Still, chemotherapy is carcinogenic.
Also not in Sarah’s best interest – this legal battle has cost her so much schooling (isn’t the state all about children being in school?) and she misses it. Reportedly full of joy and energy, she was paraphrased:
I just want to come home because I really miss my brothers and sisters and going back to my school. I wish all these people would just leave me alone…I do not believe this is God’s will for me to have chemo any longer.
The father often tells David Michael:
What are they going to do when they hear and see Sarah is cancer free from the natural treatment. They said it would not work and she would die soon without the chemo . . . the chemo we believed would kill her. What are they going to say and do now?
Honestly, this writer believes…they will not care. They will force her back into chemo and call it “preventative.” This is about a parent’s right to choose health options for their kids and a hospital who secretly enrolled Sarah in a research experiment; slated to lose funding over her absence. The sheriffs who reportedly don’t support the enforcement, or who would like to wash their hands of it, still appear to be “just following orders.” It matters not what their personal beliefs are because they are still going out to find Sarah and her parents. Maybe the real question should be – “What do we do if this healthy girl is forced on experimental chemotherapy by court order?”
When one judge ordered tests to see her progress during her initial chemo, the family asked the doctor what was going to happen if she came back clear. He replied that he would send her right back into chemo for “prevention”! Additionally, a precedent has been set with a similar case involving a boy who was court ordered back into chemo and died. It’s depicted in a documentary called Cut Poison Burn.
This fund button to the right is reposted from David Michael who is in contact with the family. There are donated gift incentives for donors. The fund is to help Sarah stay on a healthy protocol and provide food, clothing, and housing for the family while they are outside the U.S., as well as expenses to come back when it is safe (not for medical or legal bills).
Sarah’s GoFundMe
Note: This fundraiser is sponsored by David Michael’s Foundations for Health Freedom. He says 80% goes directly to the family; 20% goes to expenses related to supporting the case. GoFundMe also collects 5% of donations, not charged to donors.
If you wish to donate directly to the family without receiving a gift incentive, please send a check here:
Andy Hershberger
11509 Holshoe Road
Homerville OH 44254
Heather Callaghan is a natural health writer and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.