16 Items To Help You Hunker Down in Comfort
by Gaye Levy
Anyone who lives in hurricane country knows that hunkering down is a way of life when a big storm is predicted. As a matter of fact, in the southern United States, hurricane parties are common. When a hurricane is imminent, friends and family gather in a storm-proof area, bringing food, drink and amusements to help while away the time until the storm passes.
According to the Urban Dictionary, there is even a game called “Hunker Down”:
Hunker Down game is a game played at hurricane parties. You watch the weather report and every time the weatherman or news guy says “hunker down” you take a shot. By the time the electricity is out, you don’t even care any more.
Okay, that may be an extreme and may be making light of a serious situation but, still, during most emergencies we should be able to hunker down in our own homes, surrounded by the items that we have put in place to ensure our comfort and safety.
In the preparedness community, hunkering down is typically referred to as “bugging in”. To me, staying in your home for an extended period of time while waiting for the danger to pass makes good sense. Unless a situation is dire (and the local authorities say it is time to GO), I simply cannot imagine leaving familiar surroundings for parts unknown.
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With this in mind, today I would like to share with you a list of items to include in an emergency comfort kit. These are items that you probably already own, although they are likely spread throughout your home in one place or another. Today we are going to gather these items together and store them in a bucket, large plastic tub, or even a box so that we can get to them quickly when the call to hunker down arrives.
Note: This list assumes all of your regular preps (food, water, first aid and such) are already in place and accounted for. With that in mind, let’s have some fun with this.
16 Items To Help You Hunker Down in Comfort
Below you will find a list of 16 items to help you hunker down – or bug-in – in comfort, whether in your own home or someone else’s. The list is in no particular order and most certainly is not all-inclusive.
1. Coffee and Hot Chocolate

2. Bar Soap
3. Deodorant
4. Toothbrush, Toothpaste and Floss
5. Shaving Gear (Guys)
6. Makeup (Gals)
7. M&Ms
8. Spirits
9. Board Games, Playing Cards, Crossword Puzzles
10. Pen and Paper
12. A Teddy Bear
13. Paperback Books
14. Blanket or Down Comforter
15. Warm Socks or Slippers
16. Essential Oils
The Final Word
On the other hand, we all need to lighten up sometimes. By writing this article I want to give you permission to indulge yourself. Think about the things you would miss the most if stuck at home for a week or two. These are the nice to have items, not life or death items, do it or die items.
The list I have provided is mine. Yours may be different. Care to share an item or two from your own list? Here is the deal. As soon as it is published, I will randomly select one comment to this article and send that reader a copy of my soon-to-be published e-Book, The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage.
Now how cool is that?
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!