Zypan® for Healthy Digestion
Zypan® by Standard Process (From Seed to Supplement)
Zypan combines pancreatin, pepsin, and betaine hydrochloride to facilitate healthy digestion.
– Supports the environment of the gastrointestinal tract
– Provides enzymatic support for protein digestion
– Fatty acids are included to coat the pancreatin, helping it to be digested properly
The job of the digestive system is to break down food—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—into smaller compounds to support the building and nourishing of cells and to provide energy. This process requires enzymatic support from many glands and organs including the stomach and the pancreas. In the absence of thorough digestion and enzymatic action, the cells in our bodies will fail to get all the nutrients provided by the foods we eat. Many people require extra enzymatic support to help them properly digest food. Zypan can help. It is a unique digestive supplement that mimics the phases of healthy digestion.
Suggested Use: Two tablets with each meal, or as directed.
How Zypan Keeps You Healthy
Supports digestion of food in the stomach
Acidic nutrients along with pepsin, an enzyme that digests proteins, are released from each tablet to support the healthy environment of your stomach. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is an acid found in the gastric juices of the stomach. HCl contributes to the breakdown of food during digestion and provides protection against pathogenic bacteria. Betaine hydrochloride provides a supplemental source of HCl to support healthy digestion.
Further supports digestion in the upper intestine
The pancreas is responsible for secreting many digestive enzymes to support digestion in the upper intestine. Zypan tablets mimic this process by releasing the pancreatic enzymes amylase, lipase, and protease from pancreatin. These pancreatic enzymes are multifunctional, because they help the digestion of all foods, including proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates. The bovine pancreas Cytosol™ extract in Zypan provides complementary support to the pancreatic digestive process.
See Full Fact Sheet Here.