The Medical Kidnapping of Cassandra C – The Truth Finally Revealed
Imagine your 17 year old daughter gets the diagnosis of cancer. You both do research on treatment options and see that chemotherapy is toxic with potentially long standing, irreversible consequences: damage to the reproductive organs, bladder, heart, lungs, nervous system, kidneys, and more. You and your daughter decide not to do it and choose to take a different route; one that is safer and is non-toxic.
Much to your shock, while you are out shopping, your daughter is home and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) shows up at your door (with 12 police cars no less, to kidnap your daughter and force her to do chemotherapy against her will and your wishes.)
What would you do?
It’s a story of traumatic, dehumanizing force and one of the dignity of the human spirit; of hope and healing. (Watch below)
Cassandra explains in the video below, the trouble with her cancer diagnosis, her reason to stop chemotherapy and try something else, her scary medical kidnap, running away from authorities, coming back after her mother was threatened with arrest and about her forced hospitalization from DCF, forced sedation, restraints and drugging from the hospital and more….
Also, how could the media know if the chemo drugs cured her? Even doctors don’t use the “c-word.” Did the doctors actually give her a clean bill of health? Is she really in remission?
Ty Bollinger’s interview with Cassandra C on her harrowing experience:
Also see:
Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.
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