Category: Video

The World Health Organization’s Faux Pas About Vaccine Adverse Events And Deaths

By Catherine J. Frompovich The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have maintained their VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) since the late 1980s, almost like a post-marketing survey/analysis, since no one probably pays attention to all the adverse events reported, or actually…

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AMI Smart Meters Are The Number One Health Hazard; Next Is Cell Phones, Per Medical Research Science

By Catherine J. Frompovich Utility companies—electric, natural gas and water—have retrofitted AMI Smart Meters, which are devastating human health. Here is a video, which describes and details what’s going on from AMI Smart Meters. This video is the most comprehensive video (2 hrs 30…

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You Won’t Believe What They Admitted on TV News in 1971

By Truthstream Media If the government discovered contaminants in vaccines that would directly lead to cancer… they’d pull them off the market right? …. Right?? You won’t believe the news clips below… [do_widget id=text-16]   Support TSM – Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Website: FB:…

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