Category: Natural Health News

China’s “Fashion Grandpa” is Propaganda: Rockefeller, Gates Foundations in Bed with the Guardian

By Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) In case you didn’t know, the Guardian represents big money and elite interests. Although some of their work may deserve recognition, notably Spencer Ackerman’s exposure of Homan Square or Glenn Greenwald’s work, the Guardian has been coerced into a vehicle…

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Here’s Why Portland, Oregon Just Filed a Major Federal Lawsuit Against Monsanto

By Jake Anderson Becoming the seventh city to sue Monsanto over contaminated waterways, Portland passed a resolution last week authorizing city attorney Tracy Reeve to take the biotech company to federal court over its decades-long dispersal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The city has spent more…

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Alzheimer’s and Aluminum in Brain Tissue – True Link Found by Scientist

By Heather Callaghan We’re living in the “Age of Aluminum” according to Chris Exley, PhD of England. Do you associate aluminum exposure with Alzheimer’s disease? Despite the correlation between the neurotoxin and brain disease over the decades, a definite cause hadn’t been clinically presented. Perhaps you’ve heard…

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6-Year-Old Gets Locked Up in Mental Institution for Throwing Temper Tantrum

By AnonWatcher 6-year-old Nicolas found himself escorted from his elementary school by police after he threw a temper tantrum. For the next 3 days, he was tormented and left in solitary confinement. In Jacksonville, Florida, a 6-year-old boy, Nicolas, was locked away in a psychiatric hospital for…

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Quotes That Can be Used to Resist Oval Office Tyranny in 2017

By Gary G. Kohls, MD (When Trump’s Fascist-leaning, Anti-democratic Collage of Multibillionaires, White Supremacists, Wall Street Tycoons, Washington, DC Insiders, Christian Dominionists, War-Mongering Military Generals, Holocaust Deniers, and Climate Change Deniers Try to Impose Their Will on the Voters Who Did Not Technically Vote for…

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Major Shifts in Consciousness Observed Throughout The Animal Kingdom

By Christina Sarich Humans have long thought themselves to be the smartest animals on the planet, but evidence continues to reveal that even with little shared DNA – animals are catching up, and perhaps even surpassing our own evolutionary intelligence. Some philosophical perspectives suggest that…

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