Category: Natural Health News

Shocking Study Shows Mere Presence of Smartphone Reduces Brain Power — Even When It’s Off

By Matt Agorist Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently completed a comprehensive study illustrating the effects of smartphones on the human brain. What they found was that ‘smart’ phones actually make us dumb. According to the study, Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of…

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Facts About Current Safety Standards For Cell Phone And Towers

By Catherine J. Frompovich Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, a contributor to the Bioinitiative Report, discusses the health hazards associated with exposures—especially prolonged exposures—to microwaves and their non-thermal radiation waves. Here is a 9+ minute video of Dr. Martin Blank’s discussion on the matter. [do_widget…

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Mexico Just Legalized Medical Cannabis Nationwide Exposing America’s Oppression

By Rachel Blevins As a growing number of individual states in the U.S. stand up to the federal government on marijuana prohibition, Mexico legalized medical marijuana nationwide on Monday. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto issued a decree, following the bill’s overwhelming approval from Mexico’s Senate…

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Data Indicates Cell Phones Expose Consumers To Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim, Says The French Government

By Catherine J. Frompovich The Environmental Health Trust published “Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: More Exposure Than Manufacturers Claim ‘PhoneGate’ In France, government data release reveals 9 out of 10 phones tested exceed regulatory limits” [1]. The French ANFR published online on June 1, 2017, a…

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How To Kill a Whole Lot of People: Scripps Scientists Publish How They Made H7N9 Virus More Transmissible

By Janet Phelan In 2014, a moratorium was placed on federally funded research which involved making flu viruses more lethal. The moratorium was placed after heated debate generated by research published by a Netherlands team, headed up by Ron Fouchier. Fouchier’s research had produced a…

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