Category: Environment

Purdue Alumni Create “SoyFoliate” Microbead Alternative to Plastic Used in Body Care Products

By Jason Erickson Over the last several years, much more attention has been given to determining the ill effects that microplastics (microbeads) are having on human health and the environment. Concerns have been raised in everything from toothpaste to beer to the wider ecosystem where…

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Erin Brockovich Won’t Back Down on Mount Pleasant Water Contamination Statements

By Heather Callaghan, Editor It’s been 19 years and Erin Brockovich still rises up to get involved in the time following the 1990s Oscar-winning movie about her fight with PG&E for a community that became a cancer cluster due to corporate malfeasance. When she speaks up, the world listens. Corporations and…

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Japan About to Drop Radioactive Tritium Waste in Pacific Ocean

By Heather Callaghan, Editor We live in a post-Fukushima world and it’s about to get worse… Sometimes it’s easy to blot out from our minds that the March 2011 Fukushima catastrophe that occurred when a major tsunami flooded Tepco’s nuclear cooling reactors following an earthquake was the worst radioactive…

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Bayer Accidentally Funds Study Showing Its Pesticide is Killing Bees, Promptly Denies Conclusions

By Justin Gardner A large-scale study on neonicotinoid pesticides is adding to the growing body of evidence that these agricultural chemicals are indeed harming bee populations. Carried out at 33 sites in the United Kingdom, Germany and Hungary, the study found that exposure to neonicotinoids…

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Ireland Follows Germany, France and Bulgaria With Ban On Fracking – “We’ve Made History”

By Vic Bishop The global movement to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a method of extracting petrochemicals from shale rock deposits underneath the ground, is gaining steam as Ireland has just announced a ban on onshore fracking. After passing the ban within the Irish parliament, The Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition…

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PEI Approval of Rollo Bay Facility Puts Wild Salmon at Risk, Groups Say

By Canadian Biotechnology Action Network Charlottetown, June 27, 2017: Today, local and national environmental groups expressed profound concern over a decision by the Government of Prince Edward Island to approve construction of the world’s first factory to grow genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered)…

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EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Met With Dow CEO Just Before Killing Effort to Ban Toxic Pesticide

By Andrea Germanos The Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head, Scott Pruitt, sparked outrage in March when he rejected his agency’s proposed ban on a pesticide shown to harm children’s brains. New reporting by the Associated Press Wednesday prompts further question about his decisions…

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Grateful Dead Saves Bees and Butterflies Through Jerry Garcia’s Memory

By Heather Callaghan, Editor Hearts broke everywhere when the bright light of Jerry Garcia was extinguished in 1995. Chances are, he’d love that his legacy is living on through the Grateful Dead‘s new efforts to recharge the declining bee and monarch populations by gifting Deadheads. Garcia’s bandmates Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, and…

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Radioactive Waste Flowing Freely into Columbia River Because There’s No Money to Stop It

By Vic Bishop A member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently informed the public that radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear power plant is ‘flowing freely’ into the Columbia river. The mighty Columbia river is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest region…

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