Category: Environment

NASA Space Images Show Dark Polluted Water Spilling From Carolina Rivers Into Ocean

  Special Report By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze Satellite imagery has discovered Carolina rivers so polluted their streams appear dark from outer space. These streams, unfortunately, are not only polluting and damaging water quality throughout the Carolina’s but also pouring into the ocean. As Abbie Bennett of the…

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Monsanto-Bayer: Eliminating the Name Will Not Erase the History

By Ruchi Shroff Cancelling out Monsanto’s name and keeping only that of Bayer, does not mean forgetting the wrongoings of a company which, according to the verdict of the Monsanto Tribunal of The Hague, is stained with crimes of ecocide. With Bayer’s official takeover of  Monsanto, the giant multinational also inherits its liabilities….

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Injecting wastewater underground can cause earthquakes up to 10 kilometers away

Emily Brodsky, University of California, Santa Cruz Earthquakes in the central and eastern United States have increased dramatically in the last decade as a result of human activities. Enhanced oil recovery techniques, including dewatering and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, have made accessible large quantities of…

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The plastic waste crisis is an opportunity for the US to get serious about recycling at home

Kate O’Neill, University of California, Berkeley A global plastic waste crisis is building, with major implications for health and the environment. Under its so-called “National Sword” policy, China has sharply reduced imports of foreign scrap materials. As a result, piles of plastic waste are building…

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Tons of plastic trash enter the Great Lakes every year – where does it go?

By Matthew J. Hoffman, Rochester Institute of Technology and Christy Tyler, Rochester Institute of Technology Awareness is rising worldwide about the scourge of ocean plastic pollution, from Earth Day 2018 events to the cover of National Geographic magazine. But few people realize that similar concentrations…

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‘Illegal Rubber-Stamp’ of Keystone XL Stalled as Federal Court Orders Full Environmental Review

By Jessica Corbett Rejecting what critics have called the Trump administration’s “illegal rubber-stamp” of the Keystone XL pipeline, a federal court in Great Falls, Montana has sided with opponents of the project and mandated a full environmental impact review for the proposed route. “The court saw through the sham…

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Canada Bans Bee-Killing Neonics While US Moves Backward

By Jessica Corbett While the Trump administration recently moved to roll back a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides in U.S. wildlife refuges, conservationists are celebrating Canada “for recognizing the overwhelming body of scientific evidence on neonics and phasing out these dangerous pesticides.” SEE: Trump Reverses Ban On GMOs And Bee-Killing Pesticides In…

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