Category: Environment

Robobees Are Back — This Time in the Image of a “Fairy” That “Could Help Save The Planet”

By Amanda Warren Longtime readers might remember when we first covered the Robobee concept back in 2014. Robot insect research dates back much further in military circles where they’ve been designed for search and rescue, hazardous exploration, surveillance, climate mapping, and traffic monitoring – to…

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Amid Fears of Contamination, Japan Will Soon Dump Treated Water from Fukushima Nuclear Plant into the Pacific

By Mong Palatino and Nevin Thompson Pacific island nations, neighboring countries in Asia, scientists, and others criticized an international organization’s endorsement of plans to dump tens of thousands of tons of contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean. The plan…

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Children Exposed to Air Pollution Before Age 5 Show Significant Changes to Brain Structure

By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and in early childhood can significantly alter a kid’s brain size and structure, finds a new study from Spain. Air pollution impacted brain connections in children the most in the first 8.5 years, although children before…

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Another Dirty Side of “Clean” Energy, “Cobalt Red, How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives”

Compiled by Patricia Burke with Sarah Aminoff of Safe Tech International (Top images source: “Never in human history has there been so much suffering that generated so much profit that directly touched the lives of more people around the world.” Siddharth Kara’s new book is…

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EMF/RF/5G Reassessing News of Whale Beaching, Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque, and “Sick Leader” Syndrome

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As 2022 came to an end, a select number of publications shared news that researchers discovered that whales beached off the coast of Scotland were found to have plaque in their brains associated with Alzheimer’s in humans. Chris Melore,…

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Where the Wild Things Were — Winter Speaker Series via Zoom 2022-2023

By Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Will Stolzenburg, Author, & Ed Friedman, FOMB Chair Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 7:00pm Friends of Merrymeeting Bay’s (FOMB) fourth presentation of their 26th annual Winter Speaker Series, Where the Wild Things Were; features author Will Stolzenburg and FOMB Chair Ed Friedman. FOMB’s Winter Speaker Series presentations are again being held…

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