Category: Environment

Is Your Drinking Water Toxic? This App May Help You Find Out

A new tool developed by Penn Medicine researchers informs users about their potential exposure to hydraulic fracturing chemicals Exposure to hydraulic fracturing fluid in drinking water has been shown to increase the risk of respiratory problems, premature births, congenital heart defects, and other medical problems….

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Study Demonstrates UV-C Light Is Effective At Killing COVID-19 On Contaminated Facemasks

Dermatology researchers at Henry Ford Health System, in collaboration with a team at the University of Michigan, have demonstrated that certain N95 respirators tainted with COVID-19 can be effectively and safely decontaminated for reuse using [easyazon_link identifier=”B07756448D” locale=”US” tag=”natblaze-20″]ultraviolet-C light[/easyazon_link] (UV-C), a method commonly utilized…

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Researchers Warn Common Insecticides Spread to Kill Unintended Insects and Pollinators

In light of emerging evidence showing how a commonly used class of insecticides can spread through the environment to pollinators, predators and other insects they are not intended to kill, researchers are warning about the potential for widespread environmental contamination. In an opinion in the…

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Preparing for the Grand Solar Minimum & Food Crisis w/ IceAgeFarmer

By The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze talks with researcher Christian of the IceAgeFarmer channel about the Grand Solar Minimum, the food crisis, true sustainability, permaculture, technocracy, and much more. Get Non-GMO storable food HERE!  Listen on Spotify: Find Christian: YT: Derrick…

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