Category: Environment

EMF/RF/5G/IOUT: Tracking Endangered Species with RF; Mistaking Data Collection for “Conservation” and Exploiting Students?

By Patricia Burke An “animal tracking bracelet” is being promoted for holiday gift giving. One group offers the option of a bracelet, in partnership with Sea Turtle Conservancy, Save the Elephants, Track a Shark, or Track a Polar Bear. SOURCE A non-profit says: “Every Sea…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT; 2021 Holiday Season’s Miracle Birth vs. Ocean Cries? Do You Hear What I Hear?

By Patricia Burke with Flo Freshman As Christmas approaches, nativity scenes depict the birth of a newborn child in a manger.  Catholics worldwide are observing the Advent season, with candles, wreaths, and prayers. In truth, centuries earlier, before the Church took the calendar away from…

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RF/EMF/5G/IOUT: Internet of Underwater Things vs. Whales and Ocean Mammals, Activist Artist Russell Wray

By Patricia Burke “The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, (also known as the ‘Global Network‘ or the ‘GN’) is an international network of organizations and individuals [] concerned about the militarization and exploitation of space. In just a few decades outer…

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Solstice 2021: Say Yes to Protecting Oceans; Reclaiming Our Healing Relationship with Nature

December 21 Solstice Event: An Ocean of Consciousness. Information and Registration here. “Our Healing Relationship with Nature” by Dr. Marsha Green  Reprinted with permission, Ocean Mammal Institute “Certainly the rapid degradation of our environment is forcing us to look within ourselves to find the root…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT Sounding the Alarm about Anthropogenic Noise Pollution: Coming Soon to an Ocean Near You

By Patricia Burke Plans are accelerating to pursue an Internet of Underwater Things and the increased militarization of the oceans, including the use of sonar. As noted in yesterday’s article, EMF/RF/5G/Internet Of Underwater Things: Devastation To Whales Is Warning Us, although the story has received…

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Research Determines Link Between Air Pollution and Mental Illness; Millions of Americans at Risk, Kids Especially Vulnerable

By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of not protecting Americans in a timely manner from toxins (see 1, 2). If you weren’t overly concerned about air pollution before, new research indicates a link between it and mental illness. From…

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California To Cut Water To Cities And Farmland Amid Persisting Drought

By Tyler Durden A severe drought has ravaged every county in California for seven months, forcing state officials to restrict water delivery next year to millions of Californians and hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, according to Bloomberg. Above-average temperatures and the lack of precipitation…

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EPA Says Glyphosate and Other Herbicides “are likely to harm more than 1,600 protected plant and animal species”

By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of not protecting the environment and Americans from disabling and sometimes deadly chemical toxins. In regard to glyphosate (used in the controversial Roundup weedkiller), it was reported in August that the agency may…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonialization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things? Part 3 of 3

By Patricia Burke “Regulatory agencies should apply the Precautionary Principle when making decisions about acoustic activities to be conducted underwater.” In Part 1, we looked at the on-going colonization and exploitation of indigenous lands and peoples by the U.S., including military-occupied Guam. (While the U.S….

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things? Part 2 of 3

By Patricia Burke See part 1 here on colonialism persisting in the modern day, in great part due to the U.S. military’s planetary footprint. “Here’s the awful truth: even if every person, every automobile, and every factory suddenly emitted zero emissions, the Earth would still…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things, Part 1 of 3

By Patricia Burke (Consider tuning in to the Annual WZBC Pow Wow, and reports from the yearly Plymouth MA protest, or a similar offering, in a community near you, this year.) Manifest Destiny The dictionary defines Manifest Destiny as “the 19th-century doctrine or belief that…

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