Category: Big Pharma

FDA Approves Addictive Painkiller to Combat Addiction to Painkillers

Carey Wedler, TheAntiMedia November 25 2014 – Last Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration approved a new painkiller that claims to combat the nation’s widespread, lethal addiction to painkillers. In 2010, anywhere from half to three-quarters of drug overdoses in America were from painkillers. 12 million people abused…

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Gov’t Admits Rotavirus Vaccine Can Cause Intussusception, Adds It to Injury Compensation Program

by Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes Because the Obama administration quietly announced their plans for 3,400-plus new regulations last week just after Ferguson erupted and just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, a lot of what’s actually going on in that rather long list was…

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6 Examples That Show Doctors are Puppets for Vaccine Manufacturers

by Sandy Lunoe Manufacturers hide information from doctors about ingredients and conceal their sinister plans for vaccine production so that doctors will continue to feel comfortable recommending vaccines. Doctors have no possibility whatsoever of knowing the complete composition of vaccines, nor do health authorities –…

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Nationwide Call to Action, November 1: Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines

Natural Blaze On November 1st, 2014, thousands of nurses nationwide will march in protest against mandatory vaccines. Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines members will be marching and demonstrating peacefully in their home towns to protest firings, forced vaccination, loss of income, loss of privacy, etc. and…

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Vaccines: Penalizing the Unvaccinated?

By Tony Cartalucci, LocalOrg Slate has enthusiastically supported vaccinations and, in particular, establishment talking points and narratives regarding them, as well as a particular focus on dismembering mainstream anti-vaccine views. In an article titled, “Endangering the Herd,” Slate argues that those refusing to receive vaccines…

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