Category: Big Pharma

The Top 10 Prescribed Pharmaceuticals of 2016 Are a Sign That Food is Killing Us

By Alex Pietrowski Our food supply is being compromised and bastardized by corporations who profit handsomely by feeding the American public ever-more processed, modified, and chemical-laden foods. As if this were some kind of revolving door conspiracy, when food makes us sick, we spend more money…

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Era of Wisdom Radio w/Cassius Kamarampi and Brandon Turbeville: 21st Century Cures Act, “Fake News,” Syria, Chemtrails

By Cassius Kamarampi & Brandon Turbeville In this first edition of Era of Wisdom radio, we go over the “fake news” hysteria in context with the BBC promoting child beheading “Syrian rebels,” we go over the big pharma dream of the “21st Century Cures Act,” we go over…

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Congress Hands Government Authority to Microchip People with ‘Mental Disabilities’

By Melissa Dykes No, you haven’t entered the Twilight Zone. This actually happened in real life. While this quietly passed last week under the guise of helping parents and guardians of children and adults suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, developmental disabilities such as autism as the like,…

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Osteopathic Association: Kratom An Opioid Alternative, Ban Would Stifle Science

By Heather Callaghan, Editor The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association has just asserted that a delayed U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration ban on the kratom plant would stifle scientific understanding of the herb’s active chemical components and documented pharmacologic properties – if it goes through. The…

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