Category: Big Pharma

New Drug for Rare Childhood Disease; Price Tag, $702,000 a Year – And an Explosive Statement from the FDA

By Jon Rappoport The FDA has just approved a new drug, Brineura, for a rare childhood brain-disease known as CLN2, which progresses quickly and is considered fatal. BioMarin, the drug’s manufacturer, has pegged the yearly price of the drug for a patient at an astronomical…

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New Law Means You Could be the Subject of a Vaccine or Medication Experiment Without Your Informed Consent

By Daisy Luther A new law quietly passed last December contains a waiver of informed consent that eliminates the requirement of pharmaceutical companies to let you know if a medication or vaccine given to you or your child is experimental. Wow. One last Christmas surprise…

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Pivotal Lawsuit Shows Widely Used Antidepressant Increases Suicide Risk Over 800 Percent

By Annabelle Bamforth A trial is currently underway in Illinois as a widow seeks to hold pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline accountable for improper labeling and minimizing a potentially serious side effect of a well-known antidepressant. Paroxetine is a widely prescribed antidepressant and anti-anxiety drug under the class of…

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Swallow Glass And Paint With Your Medicine, It’s Good For You

By Jon Rappoport Medical-drug contamination. It’s not a great advertisement for manufacturers. And then there are the patients… From FiercePharma (7/20/16) (see also here): “The handwriting was on the wall for a GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) API [Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient] operation in the U.K. when the drugmaker…

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Is Anthropogenic Activity Despoiling the Planet Or the Anti-Human Activity of Multinational Corporations?

 Op-Ed by Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze Definition of Anthropogenic: “an adjective used to describe the environmental pollution and pollutants that originate from human or corporate activity.” Conscientious whistleblowers in the honor-the-earth, protect-the-water and assorted other environmental movements regularly point out the…

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