Category: Big Pharma

Medicine Residue Is Everywhere in Our Rivers and Lakes – and Fish Are Behaving Strangely

By Daniel Ross / Independent Media Institute For all the well-documented sources of environmental pollution—think chemical manufacturers, energy plants, mining operations and agricultural processes—there’s another major source of contamination that continues to get short shrift by those charged with protecting the nation’s waterways and the public’s health: Pharmaceuticals…

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For Concerned Patients and Parents Regarding Essentia Health Duluth’s Recent Vaccine Controversy

By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze An Attempt to Enlighten Concerned Patients and Parents Regarding Essentia Health Duluth’s Recent Vaccine Controversy On July 23, 2018, my local Duluth, Minnesota TV news teams reported the following short bit of information that they had received from…

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The Trouble With Gardasil, Fully Informed Consent and the Number Needed to Vaccinate

  By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze 9,080 sexually-inactive young women have to be vaccinated in order to prevent just 1 case of cervical cancer FACT: Vaccine-administering and vaccine-profiting pediatricians, physicians, nurses and/or clinics NEVER explain the pros and cons of vaccinations to parents…

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Cardiologist Called New Cholesterol Guidelines a Disgrace and Benefit for Big Pharma

By Heather Callaghan, Editor “We have a saying in medicine. If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.” – Cardiologist Dr. Barbara Roberts on cholesterol guidelines. It seems like every time the mainstream media reports some new changes to health guidelines, another recruit…

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