Search Results for: atrazine

EPA Says Glyphosate and Other Herbicides “are likely to harm more than 1,600 protected plant and animal species”

By B.N. Frank The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a long history of not protecting the environment and Americans from disabling and sometimes deadly chemical toxins. In regard to glyphosate (used in the controversial Roundup weedkiller), it was reported in August that the agency may…

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If Cell Phone Use Causes Mechanical Stresses Contributing to “Skull Horns,” What Can EMFs and RFs From AMI Smart Meters, 5G & Weather Engineered Scalar Clouds Do To Our Health?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Technology in all its varied formats literally has taken over our lives—from cradle to grave!  What a sad state of affairs to see a toddler ‘navigating’ the Internet, all while Mom beams at how smart her little one is.  Little does…

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Is Anthropogenic Activity Despoiling the Planet Or the Anti-Human Activity of Multinational Corporations?

 Op-Ed by Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze Definition of Anthropogenic: “an adjective used to describe the environmental pollution and pollutants that originate from human or corporate activity.” Conscientious whistleblowers in the honor-the-earth, protect-the-water and assorted other environmental movements regularly point out the…

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Cocktails of Dozens of Drugs In Our Water Supply Remain Unfiltered

By Marco Torres So-called safe drinking water supplies coming out of our taps are now proven to contain industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals linked to toxicity, developmental problems, tumour growth and hormonal disruptions. One glass of tap water now contains hundreds of contaminants that are not…

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Recent EPA Report Concludes Common Pesticide is Harming U.S. Animal and Plant Populations

By number23 Atrazine, the second most commonly used herbicide in the United States, is likely having adverse effects on the environment and animal species, according to 500-page risk assessment released by the Environmental Protection Agency. This is not the first time this dangerous pesticide has been assessed;…

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