The Cricket Devolution
It all started in 2013 when the United Nations (U.N.) released a report on how insects could stabilize the global food supply. An estimated two billion people around the world eat bugs, so why not you, too? After all, growing the grain used in animal feed takes up huge water and energy resources.
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) fueled the campaign when it published Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security. The 185-page report argues we should all be eating more insects as a means of feeding the estimated nine billion people who will live on Planet Earth in 2050.
Almost overnight the media declared that crickets will save the planet! And without much ado, the insect-based food industry was hatched. Now, companies such as ALL Things Bugs LLC are developing “sustainable insect-based technologies” and products in the areas of agriculture, food production and medicine. The cricket revolution is being spawned on an industrial scale with crickets being farmed as micro-livestock.
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The health industry has jumped on board, claiming that a 2.5-tablespoon serving of crickets has 90 calories, 13 grams of protein and enough B12 vitamins to carry you through the day.
For the discerning eater, it helps to compare insects to other well-known sources of protein, like chicken and eggs: A typical serving size of crickets, at 3.5 ounces, contains 13 grams of protein and 121 calories. In comparison, about two large eggs contain the exact same amount of protein and only slightly more (154) calories. That same amount of chicken contains 31 grams of protein and about 200 calories.
For the not so-discerning eater, fast-food restaurants like Wayback Burgers are selling the Oreo Mud Pie Cricket milkshake.
Protein By The Insect
The protein content of insects varies by species, by what they feed on, be it vegetables, grains or waste, and by their stage of development. Compare a rabble of insects with their grams of protein per 100-gram serving in the raw:
- Caterpillar: 10 to 28
- Crickets: 8 to 25
- Grasshopper, adult: 13 to 28
- Grasshopper (chapulines, Mexico): 35 to 48
- Red ants: 14
- Termites: 13 to 28
- Yellow mealworm: 14 to 25
- Compare that with conventional protein sources:
- Beef tenderloin: 22
- Chicken breast: 22
- Salmon: 20
Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, University of Iowa and Canadian Nutrient File
Are Crickets the New Beef?
Not exactly. According to one study published in the journal PLOS ONE, raising crickets on various diets produced disappointing results, and not a lot of protein. Researchers raised crickets on one of five different diets: corn, soy, grain, food waste, and crop residue. Those crickets fed processed food waste had protein conversion rates (35%) similar to chickens. Nearly all those fed straight food waste died before they could be harvested. If you feed crickets what chickens eat, the payoff is dismal. Dr. Mark Lundy of the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources wrote, “Insect cultivation is more likely to contribute to human nutrition at a scale of economic and ecological significance if it does not rely on a diet that competes with conventional livestock.”
A cricket’s natural diet is grass, similar to cows. However, if crickets are meant to replace factory-farmed, grain-fed cows, then large scale-insect farming, which requires huge water and energy resources, potentially poses the same environmental risks as other animal production systems. If not grass-fed, crickets are not a sustainable food.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein
Eat Crickets To Save The World?
If you are not convinced to eat crickets for your health, perhaps fear will drive you to it. The U.N. reports that the world’s population of 7.5 billion will reach 9 billion mouths to feed by 2050. The U.N. FAO claims that unless we all stick to salads, the global production of meat will need to double in that time to feed our growing population with devastating environmental consequences.
Did your antennas just go up? Fear is never a good reason from which to base decisions. Besides, if the globalists are talking about it, they have already unleashed it into the public domain, unannounced.
Case in point: Canada’s largest grocery chain and many specialty stores have been selling cricket flour for a few years now. Cricket and mealworm flours are available for making muffins, cupcakes, pancakes and waffles, and added to protein shakes.
If you live in British Columbia, Alberta or Ontario, you will find Next Millennium’s products in some natural food stores along with a recipe for Banana Cricket Bread on their website. Or you can order protein bars made from cricket flour from U.S. online suppliers as Chapul bars and Exo bars. The first urban cricket farm is turning cricket flour into a variety of snacks, including tortilla chips, protein bars, and cookies.
What would Jiminy Cricket say? It doesn’t matter. He’s toast.
When Vanity Fair and “refined” Hollywood elites Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie team up to show us how to eat crickets, spiders, and scorpions that taste like chips, we know the Cricket Devolution is well underway.
This is a movement that has the potential to change the human species; body, mind, and spirit, since what we eat determines our genetic make-up and our spiritual signature. It is too late to ask questions when the strategy is to get it in the marketplace first, and deal with the consequences later. A strategy of secrecy has been used with cell phone technology, GMOs, geo-engineering, chimeras, and cloning. The new 5G technology was secretly tested on attendees using thousands of 5G transmitters within 8 inches of those seated in the 2018 Olympic games. Those who attended the 2018 Super Bowl didn’t know they were also part of an experiment.
The U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The social engineers behind the U.N. Sustainable Development agenda seek to redistribute wealth away from the middle class to lower the standard of living and, at the same time, reduce the population. The 17 sustainable development goals include goal #2: End hunger through the control of all food production.
Sustainability is fomented through crisis, artificial scarcity, and forced conservation known as rationing. It is the excuse to partner science with religion to combat Climate Change, as the Pope described in his June 2015 encyclical. Climate Change legislation in California is tied directly to international influences of U.N. Agendas 21 and 2030 for Sustainable Development. Yet, impacts from the government’s cloud seeding and geo-engineering programs continue unabated. Smart Cities will design growth patterns, redesign cities, and herd people into stackable housing through behavior modification, zoning and land use controls, and tax on toll roads.
Meanwhile, Elsevier, a world-leading global information analytics provider of scientific, technical and medical information, products and services, announced the publication of Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients: Production, Processing and Food Applications.
When you connect the dots, you begin to see how “sustainability” means control. The U.N. Agenda 2030 has been exposed by many, including Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising, who say the ultimate goal is scientific dictatorship. The Sustainability Agenda is nothing more than a management plan for the planet and a utopian scheme for the masses. When crickets are promoted by the largest global corporations, people should be chirping about risks vs. benefits.
Benefit Vs. Risk Questions
- Which insect species are safe and which are toxic to the human body?
- Are humans prone to new infections from chitin-coated microorganisms?
- Chitin amendment of soil has been found to stimulate the growth of chitinolytic microorganisms.
- How do crickets as a food staple change the human microbiome?
- Do we trust the FDA-approved suppliers that vet edible insects as “safe and tasty?”
- Are all crickets created equal?
- Are genetically-modified insects being farmed? Created in a lab? Both?
- Will crickets go unlabelled in flour and other products like MSG?
- Will the insects suffer from conditions of overcrowding?
- What happens when swarms of crickets get loose in the wrong environment and become destructive?
- Do we trust university clinical trials to carry out research when they are paid to give the right answer?
- Will cricket farms create environmental damage similar to the CAFO cattle farms they are meant to replace?
- Will we be able to grow our own food in a world where crickets are patented and regulated?
- If a group of free crickets is called an orchestra, will captive crickets on farms create noise pollution?
Granted, many other cultures have been eating insects for centuries, as a portion of their diet, but what are the known and unknown risks?
Risks To Humans And The Planet
The risk of eating crickets depends on how the insects are reared and processed. It isn’t recommended that any old cricket in the backyard be eaten. After all, you are what you eat and what the crickets eat. Did the cricket walk through the pesticide on your lawn before its chitinous exoskeleton reached your plate? A U.N. EFSA risk assessment found:
- biological and chemical hazards of farmed insects for human food and animal feed are dependent on the form of husbandry being employed.
- waste management strategies for waste from insect production need to be employed.
- a number of gaps in available data were noted in a number of areas, such as human consumption, animal and pet consumption, viruses and allergens.
Further, few people consider ecosystem disruption. In 2017, swarms of crickets descended upon villages in northern Peru, invading schools and homes, and leaving a foul odor as a result of an intense El Niño heat wave. A similar fate befell New Zealand in 2018. Many have long forgotten the American grasshopper plague of 1931 during the dustbowl where “thick clouds of grasshoppers—as large as 23,000 insects per acre, according to one estimate—also swept over farms and consumed everything in their wakes.” The National Guard was called out to crush grasshoppers with tractors and burn infested fields. It is ironic that we have resorted to using insects that created famine to fight famine.
The Sustainable Development agenda is really unsustainable if you think about it because successful parasites kill the host. In the mean time, whether you choose to eat bugs or not, crickets are on the menu and available at a grocer near you. And when problems arise and you demand to know who is responsible for the consequences of the cricket evolution? What will you hear?
Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath in Wisconsin. Consult with her to create a health plan that increases vitality at, where this article first appeared. Rosanne is also President of the National Health Freedom Coalition, co-founder of Wisconsin For Vaccine Choice and author of the book The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay and Natureofhealing.