What Parents Should Know About EMFs and Wi-Fi
EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and RFs (radio frequencies) contribute to Electrosmog; both frequencies affect and compromise the human organism, especially children’s.
I’ve been a consumer health researcher since the late 1970s. I was one of the few healthcare professionals to learn and to be concerned about vaccine adverse events in the 1980s, since either doctors I knew or those I worked with began hearing Moms’ heart-wrenching stories of how their infants were damaged by vaccines and had not been the same since. As a result of that exposure on a very definitive timeline, I’ve been following the research, activism, corporatism, and politics of vaccines ever since. My 2013 book was Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines is available on Amazon.com.
However, for how harmful vaccines are for virtually castrating the immature immune system of an infant and/or toddler, there is something equally as harmful, if maybe not worse, which just about everyone thinks is perfectly safe. What I’m talking about is microwave technology wavelengths that enable all the smart phones, Apps and other high tech devices and games most people “buy into and love,” plus accept as “safe.” Nothing can be further from the authentic scientific facts.
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There are several particulars I think you ought to know. The information is imperative to understanding health problems and issues, which, unfortunately, can stem from and/or be caused by constant EMF exposures, especially at low levels.
1 – All smart and/or microwave tech gadgets ‘safety’ parameters are based on World War II science and thermal effects. None consider non-thermal radiation wave length adverse health effects.
2 – Any electronic device that can send and/or receive voice, data, graphics, etc. emits RFs. Cell phones, iPhones, Wi-Fi, routers, baby monitors, are significant devices emitting RFs. Those devices operate in the 2-3-4 GHz (gigahertz) range, which are more problematic or harmful especially to children.
3 – Why are children more vulnerable to EMFs/RFs? Kids’ bodies and organs are still developing; the brain until around 22 years of age. All human bodies contain between 60 to 70% water with the brain and heart containing higher percentages, i.e., 73% and the lungs contain about 83%. Therefore, children’s smaller, less developed bodies and tissues are more vulnerable to RF exposure, especially from Wi-Fi in school and at home. Microwaves vibrate water.
Water and microwaves. Water molecules contain three atoms and so can vibrate in a number of different ways. … When microwaves pass through water the water molecules absorb some of the microwave energy and as a result they twist and turn, writhing around, as the radiation passes by. Source
Think of Wi-Fi using this analogy: Wi-Fi is like leaving your microwave oven on, operating at high power with the oven door left open. Now think one such analogy and device for every room in your house, if your house is not hard-wired for safe Wi-Fi, but you use routers.
4 – Keep all high tech, smart appliances away from the use by children, especially cell phones for those who are young. Source
5 – No cell phones, TV, computers, electronic games in a child’s bedroom. Never allow anyone to sleep with a cell phone on the bed, clasped in their hand or under a pillow. Fried brains, anyone?
6 – At night, turn off circuit breakers to bedrooms, if need be, to get away from AMI Smart Meters sending EMFs with dirty electricity or sinusoidal harmonics pulsing over copper wiring inside your bedroom walls, thousand times faster than the 60Hz wiring is built to carry. Those sinusoidal waves radiate out 6 to 8 feet and have been documented as interfering with the brain’s production of melatonin, which occurs during sleep at night when the body is in the recuperative/repair stage of its 24 hour circadian rhythm cycle.
7 – The Schumann Resonance is the hertz frequency at which the human body resonates or vibrates electromagnetically, which is 7.83Hz. Humans basically are electromagnetic beings. That is confirmed by medical tests that measure brain, heart and muscle activity. However, EMFs/RFs coming off microwave technology appliances are in the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands times faster ranges, therefore, contributing constant stresses to all bodily functions, especially the brain and central nervous system.
8 – EMFs/RFs affect children on the Autism Spectrum leading to higher anxieties, plus more confusion. Therefore, exposure should be eliminated from all sources and appliances. Source
9 – High tech reliance is a newly-acquired human addiction, which has psychologists worried about the younger generations and how they are being affected negatively, socially and emotionally.
10 – Study a comprehensive chart of the Electromagnetic Spectrum to understand how various smart appliances are rated. Cell phones frequency ranges are from 3KHz to 300 GHz. Because of such extreme overuse and addictions to iPhones, smart phones and cell phones, tech providers now want to install 5G microwave antennas right outside your front porch on a pole. 5G has not been tested for safety, as far as I know, and it can be assumed the U.S. Federal Communications Commission automatically will approve it as ‘safe’ as they have approved all other frequencies based upon the erroneous ICNIRP (Internal Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) principle that there are no EMF/RF wavelengths as non-thermal radiation waves, just thermal or heat effects, which comes from World War II radar research days. It’s 2017; how far behind the scientific times does the microwave industry have to stay to hoodwink everyone, like the tobacco industry did until the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health.
11 – In April of 2017, an Italian court ruled a work-related use of a mobile phone caused an executive to develop a benign brain tumor. Slowly awareness is coming into the high tech microwave world of legal law suits. However, microwave industry associations’ science is flawed and their products and services are compromising to human health.
12 – There’s a terrific cartoon-like infomercial on the Internet about how utility companies Smart Meters will collect and sell your personal use data and information to unknown third parties for marketing purposes without your knowledge and/or consent. High tech created the algorithm “Onzo,” which tracks your every appliance usage. Google O-N-Z-O smart meter algorithm and watch what you don’t know come to reality.
13 – One Hertz (Hz) equals one cycle per second. One kilohertz (KHz) is equivalent to one thousand cycles per second. One megahertz (MHz) equals one million cycles per second. A Gigahertz (GHz) is a frequency equal to one billion hertz or cycles per second.
Microwaves are a specific category of radio waves that loosely can be defined as radiofrequency energy at frequencies ranging from 1 GHz to 30 GHz.
14 – When an individual’s body biology and biochemistry have been assaulted and saturated for too long by EMFs/RFs and they no longer can tolerate living in the sea of electrosmog from EMFs/RFs, they become electromagnetically hypersensitive (EHS) or idiopathic environment intolerant (IEI), as some medical doctors diagnose the syndrome, which has become more prevalent due to all the smart tech appliances and AMI Smart Meters. 26% of USA citizens are EHS; 19% of Swedish; 27% of Danish and 32% of German citizens are EHS.
15 – The American Academy of Environmental Medicine publishes online its “Recommendations Regarding Electromagnetic And Radiofrequency Exposure,” which I heartily suggest everyone studies and prints out to save.
16 – The FCC safety guidelines say you should not be subjected to a field of 600 microwatts per centimeter squared for more than 30 minutes! A microwatt is equal to one-millionth of a watt. However, no one has factored in the cumulative total number of microwatts from all EMF/RF sources, so that the FCC safety guideline basically is way off the mark, I say. Those figures are based on outdated science. Updated safety guidelines have to be recalculated for 24/7/365 exposures for how humans use microwave tech gadgets:
a. wearing a live cell phone on your person;
b. exposure to Wi-Fi for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week in a school classroom or at your place of employment;
c. AMI Smart Meters pulses and non-thermal exposures coming over inside-house-wall-wires from sinusoidal harmonics thousands times faster than the 60Hz wiring is built to withstand and deliver. Isn’t that both fire and health hazards?
17 – Lastly, Lloyd’s of London and Swiss Re, two major insurance companies of the world, will not cover medical expenses incurred due to electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation (EMR), i.e., cell phones, Wi-Fi, cell towers, antennas, DAS network coverage, Internet of Things (IoT), devices, smart meters, etc. What does that tell you?
18 – The country of Russia apparently has denied 5G rollout and is planning on using fiber optic cables to deliver Internet to everyone—the safest way possible, but not in the USA or with the FCC!
Now I’d like to share information I consider important to know and was generated by independent AMI Smart Meter researchers in California. The findings are based upon what they found investigating an Itron AMI Smart Meter output measurements: RF/EMF readings drop from 8,000 to 15,000 microwatts per square meter at 2 to 3 feet away from the meter, and down to 300 microwatts per square meter, or less, at ten feet away. That information indicates the importance of putting distance between you and an AMI Smart Meter and the use of shielding, if you cannot keep an analog meter.
An analog meter is one that has 5 clock-like dials and a disk that spins. There is an AMR Meter electric companies started installing in the 1980s which reads your usage and sends it to the utility to provide a billing, and no meter reader comes around to read your meter. The Automatic Meter Reader (remote meter reading) meter looks very similar to an AMI Smart Meter—both are digital in design. The AMR can send information only one way and does not send dirty electricity pulses onto your house wires every 15 seconds or so looking for appliances to hook up with, monitor, surveil and report back to whomever.
Proper and correct shielding methods can be taken, but you have to do your research to see what will work for you and your family.
According to the California researchers’ work I’ve accessed, they report a reading below 10 microwatts per meter squared to be safe except for the most electromagnetically-sensitive individuals, a category which many ASD children unfortunately fall into. From my research, I say having no AMI Smart Meter exposure is the safest of all.
Furthermore, those researchers state the most important achievement for shielding against EMFs/RFs is not to have microbursts of radio waves with a few hundred microwatts per meter squared pulsing into your sleeping areas day and night every ten to fifteen seconds, which AMI Smart Meters pulse.
Please remember you never want to sleep with the head of your bed against the wall near or against the electric AMI Smart Meter wall because of the inevitable magnetic field exposure all AMI Smart Meters emit within four feet in all directions.
People living in apartment complexes or condominiums need to check out where the AMI Smart Meter ‘banks’ are located, usually dozens of meters on one wall area, exponentially increasing the EMF/RF outputs. Stay away from them!
Here are some quick references to make note of:
A. The Smart Meter Guard is a fine wire mesh that encircles the smart meter on sides and front that is grounded to the metal box upon which the smart meter is mounted.
B. Less EMF is an EMF shielding business whose phone number is 888-537-7363. They can provide information how to shield your indoor living and work space from a smart meter.
C. Safe Living Technologies is a retailer of shielding fabrics to protect against sources of RF. The company is run by an engineer and building biologist, Rob Metzinger. Their phone number is 519-240-8735.
D. Use plug-in shut off switches, available online or at some local hardware stores.
E. If you turn off the electric breakers to your bedrooms, make certain you have battery-operated smoke detectors installed in each bedroom.
F. Shielding also can be achieved by using Finemet and Cobaltex fabric from Less EMF (see B above) to create a safe room, such as a bedroom or sleeping area. That may be particularly helpful in apartment buildings where high frequency transient voltage comes from circuits in walls.
G. If you can, it is best to invest in what’s called an electrosmog meter, a device which gives readings in your home for appliances and AMI Smart Meters.
H. Here are the names of the top ten names of vendors to the “Smart Grid”:
- eMeter
- Itron
- Landis+Gyer
- Siemens
- SilverSpring Networks
The very large AMI Smart Meters manufacturers include:
- Itron, the largest manufacturer of smart meters in the world
- Elster Group
- General Electric
- Landis + Gyr (Swiss based firm)
- Schieder Electric Source
The most common symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, per Richard Mankiewicz, are:
- A warm or burning sensation in the face somewhat like feeling sunburnt.
- A tingling or prickling sensation across the face or other parts of the body
- Extreme dryness of mucous membranes such as the back of the throat and eyes
- A swelling of the mucous membranes such as nose, throat, ears and sinuses without any infectious cause
- Problems with concentration, loss of memory and dizziness
- A feeling of impending influenza (flu) that somehow never quite breaks out
- Headaches and nausea
- Teeth and jaw pains
- Aches and pains in muscles and joints
- Cardiac palpitations [If these do occur, it’s time to get real medical help from a healthcare practitioner who is familiar with and will factor in the possibility of EHS.] Source
Here’s a suggestion to consider: Have a qualified electrician install a circuit breaking wall switch for each bedroom of your home so that at night while you sleep, the hot wires to your outlets that surround your room are shut off. This way you’re not sleeping within what is known as a dirty electrical circuit field that fluctuates above 60 cycles. That type of spike disturbance keeps human life and frequency patterns off kilter. Source
Causes Of Dirty Electricity
Here are some of the common sources of dirty electricity:
- Light dimmer switches
- Computers and laptops that plug in
- Printers and scanners
- Fluorescent lights and tubes (CFLs)
- Solar power installations
- Televisions
- Music Entertainment Systems
- Video game consoles
- Cordless phones
- Microwave Ovens
- Smart meters and smart appliances
- Wi-Fi routers and modems
- Battery chargers for cell phones, etc.
- Blenders and mixers
- Hair Dryers
- Multi-Speed Fans
Dirty electricity can be measured by using a GS or STETZERiZER® Microsurge Meter.
Using a Microsurge meter and installing a collection of STETZERiZER® Filters is a means by which your electricity can be rendered ‘safer’.
I’d like to leave you with this information, which was emailed to me by a registered radiologic technologist: “why are these companies allowed to affix radiation emitting devices to our homes, which expose peeps 24/7 with non-ionizing radiation, which btw…is probably way more damaging because of the radiation being on the “low level side” on the radiation spectrum …..these add way up and above, highly, regulated, radiation! exposures……”
Unfortunately, that’s what we have to deal with because of our addictions to microwave-run technologies and gadgets, plus an apparent regulatory disregard for non-thermal radiation science documenting numerous health harms.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)