Most Nazi War Criminals Were Set Free: Went Back to Bayer, BASF, Modern Day Pharma Giants
(Era of Wisdom) This is an excerpt from our documentary, “Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players.” Watch the full documentary for free here.
Did you know that some of the worst war criminals in Nazi Germany were set free? They held high management positions in the chemical monopoly IG Farben, and they went right back to high positions at Bayer, BASF, German banks, and other positions of power, unfazed by the Nuremberg Trials.
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After Germany’s defeat in World War I, the economy suffered as sanctions were imposed on Germany.
Eventually, under the direction of Carl Duisberg and Carl Bosch, I.G. Farben Trust was founded in December 1925.
It was a trust, or monopoly of corporations which included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst and 3 other corporations.
Pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, explosives, photograph chemicals and other products were under the domain of this monopoly which would donate to the rise of Hitler.
To illustrate how many chemicals have origin here, the Hoechst branch of IG Farben invented Methadone, called Dolophine, during WWII. They sold it as a cure for opiate addiction just like Heroin.
After Hitler’s 1932 election, he guaranteed loyal supporters in IG Farben that his regime would support IG’s synthetic gasoline production. Hitler started a coal to oil program.
The Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Coal Research birthed a process of synthesizing oil from coal, considered the second main node of progress for coal to oil in Germany.
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and I.G. Farben were frequent collaborators, going so far as to merge in an American I.G. subsidiary called “American I.G.”
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American I.G. was directed by Walter C. Teagal, President of Standard Oil of New Jersey.
They shared coal to oil industrial processes and information, patents and processes that would be essential in making the Nazi war machine formidable.
They provided critical info to Germany on how to produce tetraethyl lead and synthetic rubber, cited by US prosecutors in the ultimately ineffective antitrust cases against Standard Oil.
After partnering with IG Farben and providing critical support to Nazi Germany, we know Rockefeller’s Standard Oil today as “Exxon.”
By the end of World War II, IG Farben leaders were charged with crimes such as “enslavement” at the Nuremberg Trials.
However, by 1952 all 24 of the IG Farben convicts were released, and they went back to high positions at Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, German banks, and other positions of power.
Carl Wurster was a German chemist and war economy leader during the Nazi reign, to become a “leading figure in post-war Germany’s industrial life,” according to mainstream sources.
He was acquitted at Nuremberg and re-established BASF. He was a board member of the Zyklon-B producing division of IG during World War 2.
Wurster worked closely with BASF leader Carl Bosch.
After serving no time, he was even given awards. He worked with BASF until his death in 1974. He officially retired in 1965, but continued involvement with supervisory boards of several other companies.
Fritz Ter Meer was the chief industrialist responsible for Auschwitz. In 1948, he was convicted of plundering and enslavement, sentenced to just 7 years in prison but released in 1952.
From 1955- 1964, Fritz Ter Meer was again chairman of the board of Bayer, and he was on the board of powerful German banks.
Despite playing one of the most powerful leadership roles in Auschwitz, Fritz Ter Meer was involved with Bayer and German banks all the way until the mid 1960’s.
Countless other IG war criminals served little to no time after the Nuremberg trials, and their influence never really left Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, and German society as a whole. In fact, their influence grew tremendously.
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IG Farben donated to Hitler (2)
IG Farben and Standard Oil (2)
Walter Teagle, American IG (2)
Walter Teagle, American IG (G Edward Griffin’s book about B17)
Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Coal Research
Tetraethyl lead and Synthetic rubber
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil is now “Exxon”
Banking interests involving Deutsche Bank led to “the Great War” with the Baghdad Railway Concession
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry featured psychiatrist Dr. Ernst Rudin
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry featured psychiatrist Dr. Ernst Rudin (2)
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had ties to Ernst Rudin
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had ties to Ernst Rudin (2)
Francis Galton coined the term “eugenics”
Eugene Bleuler helped coin the term “Schizophrenia”
Alfred Ploetz sowed the seeds of a “racial hygiene” movement in Germany
Carl Wurster “became one of the leading figures in post-war Germany’s industrial life”
Fritz Ter Meer returned to Bayer and German banks
Fritz Ter Meer returned to Bayer and German banks
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