10 Monumentally False Claims Made by Conventional Medicine about Health
The grossly deceptive world we live in couldn’t be better exemplified than by conventional medicine. More and more people are expressing their distrust. They see right through conventional medicine’s crooked corporate greed-driven hidden ulterior motives.
It starts with a deliberately narrow corporate-sponsored curriculum in medical schools. This essentially mechanistic, pharmaceutical drug-based approach to health takes the focus of attention away from other alternative health practices to reduce competition.
In research institutions, ulterior motives find their way into corporate-sponsored bad science to favour desired experimental outcomes related to profit. Crooked approval bodies then turn a blind eye to a new product’s potential harm while there are agendized political self-interests from corrupt politicians having their hand in allowing the product to get into the market.
Then there’s the paid-off mainstream media to repetitively spread the related lies, deception and cover-ups. In short, money is stronger than truth.
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The health care system is a dismal failure because of these greed-driven corporations, governments and related crooked institutions. Indeed, they don’t have our best interest at heart and are capable of doing far more harm than good.
In light of this, here are 10 monumentally false claims made by conventional medicine about health:
False claim #1 – The Zika virus causes birth defects
Because of a lack of scientific evidence, particularly from Brazil in recent months, the claim that the Zika virus causes microcephaly (severe birth defects resulting in an abnormally small head circumference) has received some major challenges. The CDC claimed that Zika was mainly transmitted via the mosquito Aedes Aegypti. They stated that the transmitted virus finds its way into the pregnant mother and then infects her foetus causing microcephaly.
However, the Brazilian health authorities admitted that there was some other cause-and-effect relationship because of the lack of evidence supporting the mosquito claim. This was backed up by a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine. Having examined 12,000 Zika-infected women no microcephaly was found. So it was concluded that Zika does not cause microcephaly.
Consider the media-hyped hysteria prior to this conclusion. What about the unnecessary toxic chemical spraying to kill off the disease-carrying mosquitoes, forced abortions, vaccines and drugs used as countermeasures based on a false pretext? Then there are the biotech companies who greatly benefited from manufacturing their GM mosquitoes.
The Zika claim was a deliberately created scam for profit and the advancement of hidden agendas, such as a depopulation agenda (Agenda 21 aka 2030), typical of a false flag disease. Whether it’s Zika or any other claim more people need to wake up and recognise the patterns that make up a false flag disease to then take the necessary opposing action…
False claim #2 – EMFs (electromagnetic fields) don’t cause harm
The harmful effects of invisible EMFs are only perceived when ill-health manifests as a consequence of usage: Used in conjunction with the various wireless apps, cell phones, laptops, tablets … then there are smart meters, microwave ovens and other radiations sources, these EMF sources interfere with our own natural bio-electromagnetic energy fields.
Do your research and pay heed to the potential dangers of this deceptively harmful technology.
False claim #3 –Only conventional medicine can effectively treat the life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
As already mentioned with medical schools, when it comes to the treatment of disease, anything outside of conventional medicine’s mechanistic, pharmaceutical drug-based approach is basically ignored. Very little, or not enough time (if any time at all), is devoted to the highly effective roles played by the mind-body-spirit connection, nutrition, water and the environment in health and healing.
In relationship to health and healing, how can anyone not give these factors serious attention when they address the very fabric of our being? This wilful ignorance has made conventional medicine blind to the facts that there are cheaper, non-toxic, natural, alternative approaches that have produced highly effective results though addressing the above factors and are capable of curing life-threatening disease.
False claim #4 –Diet/nutrition does not play a major role in the prevention/reversal of cancer
Following on from 2, using cancer as an example and the role nutrition plays in the prevention/reversal of the life-threatening illnesses. Conventional medicine’s wing, the Cancer Research establishment, has basically ignored the life-saving, healing capabilities of diet/nutrition. Take, for instance, the acid and alkaline diets:
It has been established that the body’s blood pH lies somewhere between 7.3 – 7.45. If your blood pH is outside this range then you’d be dead. If someone eats toxic acid foods (essentially junk food) frequent and long-term, lowering the blood’s pH, then this could lead to a serious illness such as cancer.
The healthier option is to eat alkaline foods (e.g. pineapple juice, greens such as broccoli, spinach, watercress and the anti-cancer B17 rich foods like apricots or almonds…etc) that alkalize the body, give rise to a higher blood pH.
Further, conventional medicine has invalidated, suppressed or even ridiculed a number of brilliant and humane innovators with their cancer cures related to diet/nutrition.
There are, for examples, the highly effective Gerson Therapy pioneered by Max Gerson, Harry Hoxey’s herbal remedies and Dr Tullio Simoncini’s ‘Cancer is a Fungus’ using sodium bicarbonate injections. All these innovations deal with a metabolic dietary deficiency related to a frequent and long-term bad acid diet.
False claim #5 –Mammograms are saving lives
Not true. All the cancer establishment can say for sure is that mammograms detect cancer. For breast cancer, the early detection claim is a myth because at this stage it cannot be known whether the cancer will turn out to be benign or harmful. Although there is no proof, the cancer establishment is more likely to say that the cancer will be harmful: There’s a lot of money to be made from their offered treatment so biasing; erroneously concluding ‘test positive’ results regularly occurs.
For instance, from a recent Swedish study involving some 60,000 women it was found that 70% of the cancer detected mamographically were not tumours as claimed. They were in fact benign.
Incidentally, mammograms increase the chances of cancer because of the radiation effects. The safer, alternative option for breast cancer screening is infra-red thermography.
False claim #6 –GMOs are safe while feeding the world with higher yields
Tainting ecosystems; chemical toxicity, destroying species, wreaking havoc on farmlands, creating superweeds giving rise to superbugs and introducing unnatural factors into our food supplies… the harmful effects of GM foods are beyond dispute.
For well over 50 years, the biotech industry has had one major misunderstanding: It’s the idea that 1 gene codes for 1 protein. After completion of the ‘Human Genome Project’ in the early part of this millennium it was shown that the 1 gene codes for 1 protein theory had not been correct and was oversimplified. Inserting one gene into a plant’s DNA has not just given rise to 1 protein but a number of other toxic rogue proteins landing to illnesses for consumers of GM foods.
Not ‘feeding the world’ and unnecessary GM foods have produced lower than anticipated yields.
False claim #7 –Vaccines are safe and effective
Officials of sorts making the blanket statement that ‘vaccines are safe’ should be held morally and criminally responsible. Consider the toxic overload children receive before the age of 6 years from some 30 plus different vaccinations (and ri$ing), assaulting their developing immune systems, resulting in a number of illnesses or deaths.
Often associated with vaccination is the term ‘immunization.’ This in fact is a misnomer. Vaccination is NOT immunization and this needs to be legally and scientifically challenged. Toxic, poisonous vaccines with their aluminium, mercury-based compounds, carboxylic acids, formaldehyde, protein foreign bodies and the many other nasty little critters have counterproductive synergistic effects when injected into the body: Thus, vaccines do the opposite to immunize, as immunity is not allowed to naturally develop.
False claim #8 –Fluoride in the water stops tooth decay
The claim that fluoride stops tooth decay is highly questionable with many contradictory findings. For example, tooth decay in fluoridated countries is no different to non-fluoridated countries. There have also been a number of studies to show that it is a nasty poison detrimental to health. Health institutions such as the American Medical Association have allowed these shocking revelations go by unheeded.
Essentially fluoride:
…at a concentration a little as 1ppm disrupts our enzymes responsible for DNA repair by half causing premature ageing.
- Affects our nervous and hormonal systems by denaturing (putting out of shape) our enzymes.
- Lowers IQ
- Is a carcinogen.
- Affects thyroid function
- May cause infertility
- Causes fractured bones
- Calcifies the pineal gland
Don’t drink fluoridated tap water. Drink filtered water (e.g. reverse osmosis) instead.
False claim #9 – High cholesterol means you’ll have a heart attack imminently
Conventional medicine with the help of the mainstream media’s fanfare and fear mongering has managed to pull the wool over so many people’s eyes on this one. The claim that high cholesterol means a heart attack is on its way is a myth that has made billions for Big Pharma from statins drug sales as unnecessary treatment.
Contrary to popular belief
- Atherosclerotic plaque formations (narrowing or clogging of arteries) indicative of heart disease can manifest regardless of blood cholesterol levels.
- The body produces around 3 times more cholesterol than that from your diet. So a steady diet of low cholesterol foods is highly unlikely to reduce your blood cholesterol.
- Stains used to lower cholesterol have failed to reduce heart mortality and totally mortality rates.
Don’t be a sucker for the great cholesterol deception.
False claim #10 –The symptoms are the cause of illness
No! The symptoms are just indicators or the knock-on effects of some underlying root cause. Treat the symptoms and not address the root-cause then the illness will forever return. More and more people are becoming aware that this is how conventional medicine’s Big Pharma drug treatment works and why it is failing us while they make tons of money on returning customers who will never be cured…
Sadly, indeed, many people are still clueless to this deception while getting even sicker due to the drugs’ side effects.
Don’t take for granted what health authorities are telling you or don’t blindly go into agreement with the sheep-like masses when it comes to health matters. Save yourself the unnecessary suffering or even death. Know that by doing your own vigilant and careful research your health is in YOUR hands.
You can read more from Paul A. Philips at his site NewParadigm.ws