Action Alert: Help Stop The DEA’s Attack On Kratom, Plant That Stops Opiate Addiction
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Support the American Kratom Association in their upcoming legal battle for civil liberties and health freedom.
From the AKA:
After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out some feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this. It’s a glimmer but it’s there, shining through all my pain and devastation. Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance. Plus all the great grassroots work that’s already been started. We will have a more formal plan of action together shortly.
Widget not in any sidebars *Or if the site happens to be down (we’ve created problems for our host today due to the amount of traffic ?), PayPal to
Correspondence to the Department, including the Attorney General, may be sent to:
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
The Department may be contacted by phone at the following:
•Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555
•Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
Peter J. Kadzik
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legislative Affairs
(202) 514-2141
Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison
(202) 514-3465
Michael J Lewis, Office of
Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152; Telephone: (202) 598–6812.
also please contact the assistant secretary of HHS, Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Acting Assistant Secretary for Health
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
(202) 690-7694
Jim Esquea
Assistant Secretary for Legislation (ASL)
Phone Number:
Kevin Griffis
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Phone Number:
Colleen Barros
Acting Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA)
HHS Office of the Secretary
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
Check out Brandon Turbeville’s website where this article first appeared, at
More articles from Brandon Turbeville
Image: Naturalblaze, pixabay