Why is Therapy Unaffordable & What Can Be Done About It?
In today’s world, people are finding it harder and harder to stay afloat as prices increase. For many, the thought of getting therapy and seeking help for their mental health problems is completely out of the picture because therapy is so unaffordable!
In this article we’re going to go into detail about why therapy has become so unaffordable, and provide some solutions that can help you overcome the hurdles of seeking expensive therapy.
Why Is Therapy So Expensive?
The prices of therapy vary in different places, and it’s more expensive in big cities like New York. In New York, it’ll run you up to $250. Other areas may be more forgiving, but you’re almost always looking at prices around $100 an hour.
One of the problems that compounds this issue is the fact that so few therapists take insurance. In fact, therapists are shown to be the least likely medical practitioners to accept insurance, with only 55% of psychiatrists accepting insurance plans. This is shockingly low compared to the 89% of other medical practitioners who accept insurance.
This, considered with the fact that about 20% of all Americans will have some sort of mental health issue during every given year, means that there are an awful lot of Americans out there who are in need of mental health treatment but unable to afford it.
This wouldn’t be a problem if therapy weren’t so effective and useful. It has been shown to be at least as effective as antidepressants when used to help alleviate problems like depression. This is likely why it is in such high demand and also why it’s so expensive.
One of the reasons that it’s so hard to find a therapist that takes insurance is simply because of the way that the insurance system works. In most cases, insurance is intended to help provide financial backing for a certain, specific conditions and the specific treatment.
Therapy, on the other hand, is more of a preventative, or at least a maintenance-based form of upkeep that helps prevent mental health problems from getting worse. This means that, from the perspective of an insurance company, there’s less reason to justify having to pay for therapy.
What Can We Do?
Fortunately, not all hope is lost. There are many things that you can do to help you work through your mental health problems, if you are creative and willing. Here are some of the best and most effective ideas.
- Seek e-therapy. E-therapy is a new form of therapy that you can access over the internet. You will gain access to real, qualified therapists at a much more affordable price.
- Use self-therapy. Learning a bit about therapy and then attempting to identify your own issues can be immensely helpful. Don’t just say, “I am depressed,” and stop there. Use that as a baseline. From there, identify why you are depressed, what triggers you to feel depressed, and what past experiences led you to develop these triggers.
- Seek community. There are many groups around for people who like to discuss mental health issues. Community can also mean friends and family. Be open with yourself and others about your mental health struggles. That said, mental health support groups are one of the best and most effective ways to overcome a problem with community support.
There are many different solutions that can also be integrated into the above options. Make sure to get your exercise and eat a healthy diet.
There’s no doubt that therapy is expensive, but fortunately, there are alternatives to conventional therapy. Hopefully this article has helped you to better understand how you can manage your mental health – even without insurance!