This Search Engine Plants a Tree Every Time You Search


By Heather Callaghan, Editor

Tooling around the Internet. This is literally the least amount of effort one could exert to make the world a better place. Seriously – unless you can feed people while watching TV, there is nothing less you can possibly do to plant trees and improve the world.

So, allow us to introduce Ecosia – the search engine that plants trees for every Web search you conduct.

It’s not like someone is out on the field waiting for one more person’s search in order to plop another tree in the ground. Oh no, that would be just weird. Ecosia has partnered with other companies that will plant the trees. We hope!

According to the homepage, over 5 million trees have been planted. Check it out – it’s fun to watch the ticker move up for every tree planted.

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You can easily add the app to your Google Chrome browser so that the search bar is always right there – no need to have to hunt down the search page every time you wish to plant a forest.

According to Jordyn Cormier of Care 2, this search bar is better for tooling around the Web versus thorough, factual and extremely accurate results like what Google or Bing can provide. So, the next time you need recipes, movie titles or cleaning tips – this little bar could be the place.

Ecosia offers a few reasons for planting trees instead of simply donating to another cause. Biodiversity, absorbing CO2, cleaning the air, making people happy through food and products. More importantly, we need trees to protect soil and clean waterways. The indiscriminate forest gutting has caused mudsliding, desert-like land and unclean water cycles and flooding.

In the words of Columbo, though, there’s just “one more thing…”

Wouldn’t it be great if it were hemp instead of trees that were being planted for each search? That would be an engine I could get behind! Trees take so long to grow! The over reliance on trees is kind of what got us into this environmental mess. Lots of corporations are trying get in on the tree-planting action so that they can say they are fighting global warming.

Hemp grows lightning fast, replenishes the soil, cleans radiation, and can be used to make up to 50,000 products including homes, plastics, clothes, paper, body care, cars, fuel and it’s a complete food source. Also, if you are frightened of CO2 (needed for plant inhales) then you should know that hemp is king in the the absorbing-CO2-department. Maybe we could leave the trees alone and go for hemp.

Just sayin’!

At the very least, tree-planting campaigns help keep people aware of the sheer amount of loss. Efforts to replenish trees may be why America actually has more trees now than it did a century ago.

Photo by Teddy Kelley

This article (This Search Engine Plants Trees Every Time You Search) can be republished with attribution to Heather Callaghan, source article and Natural, keeping all links and bio intact

 Heather Callaghan is an independent researcher, writer, speaker and food freedom activist. She is the Editor and co-founder of NaturalBlaze. Get a nifty FREE eBook – Like at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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